Saturday, December 12, 2020

The 4 Gift Blessing: Want, Need, Wear & Read

You may have heard about the popular 4 gift rule (or blessing is what I like to call it) that many families like to practice when gift giving to their kids. 

It can be helpful in many ways such as:

  • helping to narrow down gift giving
  • making it easier to come up with ideas
  • doesn't break the budget
  • and also feeling like you've bought gifts that matter and won't be quickly forgotten. 

This is what it consists of:

  • something they want
  • something they need
  • something to wear
  • something to read

You can also make it just a 3 gifts by only picking three from the above. There are families who do this and like to think of it in terms of the wise men who brought the three gifts to Jesus and feel like it helps to keep the meaning of Christmas in focus.  I have even heard of families who just buy 3 big gifts that are for the  entire family.

I know that some people also like to add a fifth option as well:

  • somewhere to go

This could be an experience like skating, movie tickets, trip, etc. 


Now I have also heard of families who apply this to stockings but just on a smaller scale if they just wanted to do regular gift giving instead. They want to give something meaningful in the stockings so this works for them!

Here are a few examples of how the above list can work:


Every kid is unique so you will have to find out what they want. Take the time and effort to find out! If they are not sure and need some inspiration, you might want to visit our Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide. 


This could be something for their room, sports, hobbies, etc. 

You might like our list of Non-Toy Gift Ideas for the Family. 


You could find clothing for kids here:


We have some great recommendations for wholesome reading you might like some of these:

If you need some more inspiration check these out:

Have you tried this at Christmas?

What tips would you add?

I hope this post was a blessing to you!

You might also like our Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide:

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!

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