Sunday, December 3, 2006

Cultivating The Rich Christian Home

I want to share with you what our faithful King is doing in my life.

Not too long ago he has shown me the 'busyness' in my life that was unnecessary. Things that were 'good' but not 'best' for my family.

They can come in the form of all kinds of good things, and yes, even ministry. He taught me to say no to these things and to look to my husband, children and home first and foremost. I think deep inside I
knew that some of the things I participated in were unnecessary and even felt burdened by them. A strange thing I noticed was it almost seemed to be the 'in thing' when moms would gather together to see who was the busiest that week and who was more exhausted.

Does busyness equal martyrdom??? There would often be boasting of neglected house duties and full schedules that lie ahead. I have to be honest that I had participated in some of this, and by Gods grace He has shown me His way.

The rich full life that can consist only in a Christian home is available to me and everyone else with Christ as its center. As a Christian home we should be the role models to this perishing world and NOT imitate it. The world fills its time with empty pursuits and busyness to fill the void that only Christ can fill. Our homes should be the model of the beauty, rest and joy which radiates from our
Saviour!!!! What is your home radiating today? Believe me, it matters to Christ.

A haven for the weary, a hospital for those in need of nursing. Open arms to those without family. A place of comfort, blessing and peace.

Every need is met here, whether it be a meal, a smile, or a prayer. A place that reflects Christ's heart. A warm loving environment that cannot be found anywhere else. A place people are drawn to knowing
their souls will be refreshed. Does this sound like our homes? Can we create this type of environment while we are on the go? God has shown me all the ministry that can be poured out of my own home and that it can be overflowing!

And our children. Tell me at this very moment who has the HEART of your children? Is it their peers, the television, Nintendo?

Or, parent, do you have that sacred treasure? Turn your hearts to them and reap the blessings of this unworthy gift~the heart of a child. Can we obtain their hearts if we are rushing hither and tither to
every moms group, sporting event and pot-luck? It wouldn't leave us much time at all especially if we had to manage, keep a house and care for our husbands. Let's ask ourselves, what would Christ say no
to? How would Christ win their hearts and develop a deep loving relationship with them?

A rich home is what we desire. Hearts turned to one another. Family members being the best of friends and peace, love and joy flourishing in the face of the world outside its doors. Children being raised in the fear and the admonition of our glorious Father. You can't do that on the run.

I have learned to say no. Not just to mom's groups, but also to Bible studies, lunches, coffees, homeschool group events, support groups, parties, gatherings, AWANA, VBS, music lessons and many more (this was for me, for you it might be something else.)

Proverbs 31:27a proclaims "She watches over the affairs of her household..." When I see something on our calendar that will improvise our schedule or burden us unnecessarily I strike it off because it will not add to the rich quality of our life, it will only diminish it. I have learned to be busy cultivating this rich, glorious Christian home the Lord is revealing to me.

Cultivating takes time, patience and has to be under the right conditions. And certainly not under stress or pressure. Don't misunderstand me, I do participate in some things still(and neither am I saying to quit everything, but note that everything is worthy of evaluation) but just more sparingly
(some are gone altogether).

I will not let it rob of us the rich life God has intended for us. My desire is to strengthen the fabric of our family and I am free to do this under a simple schedule. Speaking of freedom, what freedom there is in knowing who you are in Christ as a wife and mother and not feeling pressured by the world to be anything else but just that!!! :)

Discipling. God has given me the vision of pulling my dear offspring under my wings very, very close this year. Training. He wants them to experience what is is to be trained up as a warrior for Him. The plan? Letting Him do it all and for me to get out of His way!!!! ;)

More of Him and less of me, I can't do this without Him.

Well ladies, I hope this was encouraging in casting a vision for your home and family life. Glory to the King, His Wisdom surpasses all knowledge! Let us worship Him with our lives and our homes!

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Amy said...

Beautiful & inspiring words! :o)

CG said...

This is a lovely post. It really does seem that one of Satan's best "tools" nowadays is just keeping us busy (especially by keeping us engaged in pursuits that have an appearance of godliness)

Unknown said...

Boy, is this important! I have had to live this way for most of my mommy life!

It is especially hard if your husband is in the ministry (like mine). One pastor friend told me that in their former denomination it was expected that women minister, even directly after birth!

I have posted somewhat on this subject myself, but yours is almost poetic. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your admonition--we need more voices like yours.

Anonymous said...

I very much agree. A home based life can feel so "scratchy" and uncomfortable when you are first cultivating it. It takes time to learn to be busy and content at home. It's so much richer than the busy, on-the-go life though. I found it encouraging when other mammas, by kind word and example, teach this to the younger (or newer). ")
THank you for such a loving post and reminder.

Brenda said...

I like what Dalyn said. This feels weird to me b/c all I know is the busy lifestyle we have always lived. This was my first week home and this is all so strange and new. I have thought about these same things you spoke of in your post. I am learning to say "no" to outside commitments, but haven't really found the beauty of being home just yet. I think it will come. I don't know anyone personally who just wants to be home.
The Lord is changing our family for sure!

Anonymous said...

I found your great way of life to be very aspiring. I have learnt from it, and I found myself to be in the same scenario that you are facing. I thank God for allowing you to go thru a problem as such and for allowing you to share it with viewers like me. your encouraging words were greatly appreciated and will be implemented.

Brenda said...

God just really encourages me through your posts! I get off the computer and want to be a better wife and mother. What you write about is what I want for our home and family. I come back here and read for the encouragement it offers to have a godly home. There surely aren't many other sources of this encouragement around!
Thank you.

Melody C. Bondurant said...

Thank you for your encouragement! You are a wonderful blessing.

Also, if I may, I wanted to ask if you knew the name and or artist of the picture with the mother, daughter and new baby. thank you.

Robin said...

I never considered this! I am the wife of a minister and expected to be involved on all levels of ministry and with everything going on at church.

You are absolutely speaking the truth. My house is actually not a place of more like a place of chaos at the moment because of the holiday schedule we have been keeping.

Anonymous said...

This article touched my heart. Lately, everyone has been telling me that I need to fill my schedule with many things, so I won't become bored or depressed. People have even blinked at me when I tell them God has called me to stay at home to take care of my husband and daughter, and not to go out into the workplace. I know my place now, and your words have inspired me to continue to be who God wants me to be. Thank you so much!

LowderLiving said...

I appreciate this post. Busyness becomes a way of life too easily for many of us and it's easy to lose sight about what's really important.

ajsmama said...

I was just encoraged when I read this! This so what God has put on my heart, my husband's heart! I can not wait!! to see what my Lord is going to do :o)

The Frugal Wife said...

Thank for your words of encouragement, God Bless!

reutersramblings said...

Wow! This really touched me because I have been filling my plate to full lately and asking myself, "what is the purpose?" Every night of the week we have something going on and I seem to be giving God less and less of my time. Thank you for this post and I can't wait to read more.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this post. It is inspiring :) Tara.

Nicki said...

This is perfect! We have been saying NO to almost everything, which has freed us up to say YES to others, like helping a family on a moment's notice, more time with Daddy, and time with my recently widowed mother, etc. It's been very freeing. It has also caused raised eyebrows when our kids didn't do Awanas, Youth, even Sunday School. It's amazing how even your church family can think you're crazy for choosing to be the nurturer of your own children.

Unknown said...

THANK YOU! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Seriously. It's so wonderful to read the words that God helped you write down. The same words he speaks to my heart. You expressed them so well. And it's such great validation. God bless you! I loooooooooooove your web site. And am extremely lifted up and ministered to by it. Please know, God is working so mightily through this.

Unknown said...

Love this post. Boy, do I ever share these sentiments.

Gabriela said...

So inspiring!!!! Thank you!!!!


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