Sunday, December 6, 2020

How to Make Care Packages for the Homeless

This past month I have been thinking heavily about ways to help people who really need it. I was reminded a while back when the kids were younger that we had made these food bags for some homeless when we would visit the inner city.

Some would walk by our vehicle and we would hand them a "care bag" that had some food items and a gospel tract. It was very simple and what we could afford.

I know of some Christians friends who do this as a ministry and they go into the streets and pass out care bags (with hygienic items) and share the gospel message personally. What a great way to show God's kindness and love while serving those who need help.

You can make these care packages as simple as you want.

You can get bags to hand out like these.

Or fill a backpack that they can carry. I have heard of women filling purses/bags they don't use anymore with needed items and giving those away.

Or just simply recycle some supermarket bags!


-water bottle

-food/sandwich/granola bar/fruit/dried fruit, trail mix, crackers

-hygienic items (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, towel, deodorant, lipbalm, comb, brush, feminine pads)



-nail clippers, bandaids, gum

-winter time: hats, gloves, heat packs

-gift card

-Bible or tract (we used to use Chick Tracts, they are in comic book form)

-information that directs them to the nearest shelter/mission


Don't forget to pray that God would help lead you to the right people who need these bags!


Always remember to be safe, use caution, and practice good judgment! Do what is best for your family. You might want to donate directly to a homeless shelter or mission if that works best for you.

"Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed." 

~Proverbs 19:17


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this post. My family started doing this weeks ago and it has been such a joy to bless these people. One woman we gave a care package too repeatedly said thank you and then turned and started to cry. I don't think I will ever forget the hope in her eyes when we handed her such a simple gift.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

That is wonderful - praise God for His provisions and your family for serving and your time. I hope more will be inspired to do the same! Thanks for sharing your story and hope you visit again soon!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...
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