Thursday, February 13, 2025

26 Inexpensive Date Night Ideas

Are you looking for something to do for some simple quick ideas for an inexpensive date night?

It is always important to invest in your spouse and your marriage--it takes time to nurture it and grow it. A wise woman is always looking for ways to love her husband and make sure he knows that he is loved.

Don't Give Up on Your Marriage

Are you not happy in your marriage?

Are you feeling like you want to leave?

It is easy to feel discontent in a marriage, especially in this day and age.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tending to Your Husband's Unspoken Needs

Did you ever stop to think about all the pressures that your husband has to endure?

His pressures at work--his job, his boss, the daily demands, the bills, paying the mortgage, making sure the house is in good repair, being a good parent, being a good husband and provider, and on and on the list goes. If your husband is anything like mine, he does not share his load publicly, he usually just carries it silently and does what needs to be done.

How to Encourage Your Husband as the Spiritual Leader of the Home

Do you need help encouraging your husband as the spiritual leader of the home?

Many women do. I know that when I was a young wife I had not had it modeled to me of how to encourage my husband until much later. I remember devouring books on how to be a better wife for years.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Good Grandmothers


Good Grandmothers...

...are tellers of stories. They open the faucet of the past to quench their grandchildren's story thirst, and are careful not to flood them with too many, "I remembers..."

...are askers of questions. "Is math any easier now? "What did you name your puppies?" Is your new dress finished yet?"

...are wielders of peelers. Their swift hands make the pear pile smaller, the kitchen less steamy, and the hours shorter on canning day. 

...are noticers of everyday things. School art on the wall, birds at the birdfeeder, sandbox setus of farms and roads are noteworthy because they are part of their grandchildren's lives. 

9 Lessons from God Concerning Sickness

Sickness is meant…

1. To make us think—to remind us that we have a soul as well as a body—an immortal soul—a soul that will live forever in happiness or in misery—and that if this soul is not saved we had better never have been born.

2. To teach us that there is a world beyond the grave—and that the world we now live in is only a training-place for another dwelling, where there will be no decay, no sorrow, no tears, no misery, and no sin.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Are You Letting Negative Thoughts Destroy You?

Ladies ~ focusing on ourselves or our trials is a very self-destructive way to live.
When we allow ourselves to focus on our trials and hardships, it has a damaging effect on our outlook of everything. As legitimate and as severe as our difficulties may be, there are no justifiable excuses to sin and not trust the Lord.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Saturday, January 11, 2025

When People You Love are Making Bad Decisions

Ladies ~ When people that you love are making bad decisions and choosing to live in sin.....
When people that you love are making bad decisions and choosing to live in sin ... don’t allow your focus to be hindered by them. Pray for them. Love them. But don’t let them hinder your walk with Christ.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Do You Know If You Are Going to Heaven?


Sweet friend, do you know if you are saved and going to heaven or not?

This is the most important question of your whole life.

If you don't know READ THIS NOW!!!

Friday, January 3, 2025

The Beauty of Self Control

We all struggle with self control on many different levels, many especially with anger.

JR Miller had some thoughts on this:

"There are men who rule other men and cannot rule themselves.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

On Men Discipling Their Children

“Men, your primary responsibility in your home, after your wife, is you to disciple your own children. And if you don’t do it, you’re in sin; you are in sin.

And if you turn it over to a Sunday school teacher, you are in sin. And you are to be teaching these children more than just stories about animals that went into Noah’s ark.


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