Monday, December 17, 2018

26 Wholesome Gift Ideas for Active Children

It's that time of year when the weather is colder.

Many of you are in the house with the kiddos for hours on end (or at least it feels like it).

And you just want them to burn off a little of that energy so that you can relax a little (and not get cabin fever so quickly).

Let me say, that I can relate--my little Bella is the most energetic out of all 9 children. She is always on the go and running all through the house! I love her to pieces so that is why I got smart when shopping for gifts for her and started getting toys that will help burn some of that energy out of her system.

That is why today I am sharing a list of several toys that we own that have been a blessing to us and kept our littles ones busy. They are tried and true toys that I have found to be worth my investment- not toys that they play only few times never to be played with again or cheap toys that break easily. They also promote being active instead of sitting down at a TV or tablet.

Some of the items on this list I bought her last Christmas and she used them practically EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. since last year. Not a penny wasted! And I actually got time in to do other things that I really needed to do without having to leave the house and take her out somewhere to do it.  That is a win-win in you ask me.

So let's begin, shall we?

1. Mini- Trampoline

This is the one we own--I especially love it because of the handle! We have another without the handle for the older kids but my little ones has a tendency to get off center so this one helps with that a lot! She will eat dinner and play on this for a full half hour afterwards! We also have a big one outdoors too but when it snows they can't go on it, so this little one does the trick (and right now it is half off!)

You can find it HERE.

2. Step 2 Big Folding Slide

This has got be one of my second favorite investments. My daughter uses this all the time and since it is foldable we can transfer it room to room. We event take it outside and have used in the summer as a wet side in her Little Tikes pool! When we are done with it it gets folded up and put away since we don't have an official playroom. It is VERY durable, won't flip, and is high quality (mine still looks brand new).

You can find it HERE.  

3. Ball Pit

I couldn't find an exact picture of ours, but it is more like this one to save on space  But I think if I had the room I would have gotten the one above to keep the balls in better and added basket ball hoop. 

You can find it HERE.

4. Little Tykes Cozy Coupe Ride On

This is a solid fun toy and comes in different colors and varieties.

You can find it HERE.

5. Sit and Spin

You can find it HERE.

6. Little Tykes Rocking Horse 


This comes in blue too! Or if you prefer a plush rocking horse. 

You can find the magenta rocking horse HERE.

7. Hopper Balls

You can find it HERE.

8. Stick Horses with Sound

My daughter loves this because it makes the sounds like a horse when you squeeze the ears!

You can find it HERE.

9. Wagons

You can find wagons HERE.

10. Tricycles

They come in all sizes and colors. I even bought a little basket to add to the front like I had when I was little. She loves to collect pinecones and all sorts of things in it. 

You can find them HERE. 

11. Step 2 Up & Down Rollercoaster

You can find it HERE.

12. Little Tykes Basketball Set

This basketball set adjusts to three different heights to grow with your child.

You can find it HERE.

13. Step 2 Teeter Totter

You can find it HERE.

14. Melissa and Doug Let's Play House Set- Dust! Sweep! Mop!

You can find it HERE. 

15. Plasma Car

You can find it HERE.

16. Little Tikes Shopping Cart

You can find it HERE.

(Don't forget the food!)

17. Jump and Slide Bouncer

You can find them HERE.

18. Little Tykes Lawn Mower with Bubbles

You can find it HERE.

19. Melissa and Doug Building Blocks

You can find it HERE.

20. Scooter

You can find them HERE.

21. Step 2 Playful Treehouse

You can find it HERE.

Or get this Step 2 Skyward Summit Climber HERE.

22. Play Tent & Tunnel toy

You can find it HERE.

23. Cottage Playhouse

We have the pink one!

You can find them HERE.

24. Playground set

You can find them HERE.

We also love this tree swing!

You can find it HERE.

25. Sleds


You can find them HERE.

26. Kitchen Set

You can find them HERE.

Now I don't know about you, but my little Isabella loves taking a little "Stuffie" friend along with her while she plays on her toys. She usually picks from an assortment of stuffies (stuffed animals) from her bin. I recently shared on our Facebook page a favorite Christmas pick and everyone loved them so I am sharing it here too. It is the Bunny Doll:

You can find her HERE  (for free shipping with Prime).

I hope this list was a blessing to you!

What would you add to this list?

Share them in the comments below!

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