Thursday, January 25, 2018

Kingdom Book Series for Teen Boys (& Girls)

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!

My boys love reading a good book and when they find a good one they won't put it down until they are done!

I remember that love for books when I was younger and I am SO glad that you can still find good wholesome books without bad language or inappropriate story lines. I know you are thinking that good Christian book series are rare and hard to find, but you can still find them out there.

Yes, you can!

The latest books my boys are reading through at The Kingdom Series by Chuck Black.

I wasn't sure if my boys would like it but they ended up not being able to put it down and begged me for the other books!

"Mom, can you order the other books for us...PLEASE?"

The author wrote these allegorical books to help his children understand the Bible when they were struggling to grasp some of the biblical stories and their meanings in every day study.

Here is my Joshy soaking it all up:

And my older 18 year old son enjoyed it too!

There are six books in the series:

 Here they are by order:

Good and evil clash. Leinad and Cedric are determined to not only survive, but claim hope and victory! In Kingdom’s Dawn, Leinad and Tess, along with all the king’s people, must escape slavery by the powerful Lord Fairos. Kingdom’s Hope finds them free and arriving in the Chessington Valley. But when they forget the king, will Kergon and the Kessons capture them for good? After many years, Kingdom’s Edgefinds Cedric living a hopeless life until a stranger appears with powerful words of a new kingdom and a grand army. Finally, Kingdom’s Reign marches you through the danger of earth’s last days as the evil dark knight threatens to defeat the prince once and for all. Swords, knights, and battles define these captivating tales that parallel biblical events from Genesis to Revelation! 

In the author's words of THE STORY BEHIND THE BOOK:

“When my six kids’ eyes glossed over during a reading from the Bible, I paused to explain the significance of redemption to a sin-sick soul. I was rewarded with patronizing elephant nods and more blank stares. Shortly thereafter, I awoke in the middle of the night with a medieval story enveloping my mind. I wrote it down and later read it to my children. Their waning attention transformed into complete anticipation. I was amazed and disappointed. Why did it take a fictional story, not a Bible passage, to get that response? Then I realized—that is how Jesus taught! Parables are powerful! I penned the Kingdom series to help young people get excited about the supremely significant story of Jesus Christ and His mission to save mankind.” 

— Chuck Black

These books are also enjoyed by teen girls too and I really need to update the post picture to reflect that. Hopefully I will get time to do that soon.

Right now several of them are on sale so you might want to check them out while they are discounted! The complete set can be found HERE.

A sweet reader mentioned they have the audio CD's and love them, so I looked it up and I found it for you HERE

What are your favorite book series for teens?

Please share them with us!


Mrs. Hewett said...

Not just for teen boys - my daughter (almost 14) LOVES them. Well written, and exciting adventures, I agree, these books are good reads.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Mrs. Hewitt,

Yes, girls read them too--I think I need to change the title of this post!

R G said...

And supporting a local author! Bonus for us. Thanks for the info.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


Your welcome--blessings to you!

Christy said...

Do you think they’re appropriate for an advanced reading 10 year old?


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