Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Legacy

As mothers we hold something very valuable within us. A priceless treasure that can be unlocked and shared with those who are most dear and special to us. We hold in our hearts the power to leave a godly legacy behind us. Every word that we say, every look, every praise, every song...we are molding and influencing young hearts every moment of every day.

Molding like clay every day with our tender hands of love. Fashioning to create a godly image. Modeling with vision so long term that it reaches into the waters of generations of great, great grandchildren we might never see. Writing upon hearts that are eternal the whispers of a mothers love, and ultimately--- the unfolding of a magnificent legacy.

What will you leave behind today, faithful mothers? What kind of legacy will be told in the future of how you lived your life today? And just what will be told to that great grandchild you might never hold?

We must think generationally. How we love our children today will be how they love their children tomorrow. How we live out Christ in our lives will leave its imprint and echo into the future. Every deed, every response, every act of all matters. Are we not the fashioners of dreams and the painters of hope?

Faithful mothers, begin today by writing out the unfinished book of your legacy to your family with one eye on Jesus Christ and the other on the approaching eternal.

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