Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Christmas Day Menu Ideas & What We Do

Do you like to go fancy on the Christmas Day menu?

Or do you just like to keep it simple?

Our readers been sharing their thoughts over at our Facebook page of what they are planning to do--so if you'd like some inspiration be sure to stop on over there and even join the conversation!

For our family we just like to keep it simple. Pretty much after breakfast and Christmas present opening, I just like to prepare a a ton of food trays and finger foods and keep them out all day for people to munch on! We do not do a formal sit down dinner because with all the presents everywhere we are just too distracted so we just eat as we go. 

Here is what we like to do:


Breakfast stockings for kids (they eat these early in the morning before my husband and I are even awake)

Orange Cinnamon Rolls (this year I opted for  Limited Edition Hot Cocoa Cinnamon Rolls!)


We get these out after all the gift giving has taken place.

Assorted Varieties of Tamales (from an authentic restaurant that just need steaming that we by from the day before. I would love to get some pasteles or barbacoa this year! We love Spanish food!)

Fruit Trays

Veggie Tray

Cheese, meat, and  Cracker Tray

Cookie Tray (from our holiday baking-and of course, Grammy's Hungarian Kifli cookies are the highlight!)

Assorted Dips and chips

Candy Bowl


*Any foods gifted to us as Christmas Gifts

I just pretty much refill the food tray throughout the day as needed!


Pot Roast (in the crockpot) with veggies (I used to do a  ham but our family likes beef better)

I just add this to the spread once it is done along with some rolls or croissants!

I like the buffet style of our method and that it is super relaxed where I don't feel like I have to do a lot of cooking. This way I can enjoy the holidays with my family creating memories and not in the kitchen! For me that just works with our large family, but I know that some of you just love to cook or would just like to order out so I would love to hear what you like to do!

What do you like to make?

Share your menu with us!




Anonymous said...

How lovely! This gives me a lot of ideas <3 We're planning on making tamales for the first time this Christmas Eve. I still have to think about our Christmas morning spread.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Paulina,

Yes, my kids especially love the strawberry tamales when we can find them! I think a charcuterie board would be great too. Merry and Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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