Sunday, November 10, 2019

Favorite Wooden Toy Gift Ideas for Children

It's Christmas time and when I visit the local toy store you will find me lingering long in ONE aisle!

Can you guess which one it is?

Yes, it is where all the wooden toys are---I have mentioned in the past about my weakness when it comes to wooden toys. I love that they are old-fashioned, I love the durability and quality, I love that they bring you back in time.

Melissa and Doug toys are some of my favorite. I think it is because when I grew up a lot of these toys were popular and we made such great memories with them. Now I want my children to experience the same.

Right now for an early Black Friday sale at Amazon many of their toys are on sale for up to 30% off! What a great deal!

 I also wanted some of our favorite wooden toys with you in case you needed some inspiration or doing some early shopping like I am.

Let's begin!

1. Cookie & Baking Playset

You can find them HERE.

2. Wooden Cutting Food

You can find them HERE.

3. Wooden Doll house

You can find it HERE.

4. Small Wooden Dollhouse

You can find it HERE.

5. Wooden Doll Furniture

You can find it HERE.

6. Wooden Tanagrams

You can find it HERE.

You can find it HERE.

Wooden Puzzle Set

You can find it HERE.

9. Wooden Slingshot

You can find it HERE.

10.Wooden Puppet Theater

You can find it HERE.

11.Wooden Blocks

12. Cake mixer

You can find it HERE.

13. Wooden Cleaning Set

You can find it HERE.

14. Wooden Stamps

You can find them HERE.

We also love this wooden car and block set!

You can find it HERE.

15. Wooden Animals

You can find them HERE.

You can find it HERE.

16. Wooden Community Helpers

You can find them HERE.

16.Wooden Pots and Pans

You can find it HERE.

You can also find more wooden toys HERE!

What is your favorite wooden toy?

Share them in the comments below!

Note: This post contains affiliate links---thanks for your support!


Debby in Kansas said...

So cute! I loved wooden toys when I was young. Tinker Toys & Lincoln Logs were favorites...that was when they were real wood. The best part was that my grandpa could make us additional pieces to customize them.

I remember one year that my dad made an incredible wooden train for my nephew. It was really amazing. He wrapped it carefully in bubble guessed it. My nephew played with that bubble wrap for hours!!! My mom always used to say that you could give kids a box and they'd be happy lol!

Mrs.L said...

Great ideas!!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Debby,

Yes, I remember playing with Tinker Toys and LIncoln logs for hours--such fun! Ha--that is so true about children with bubble wrap and boxes. My kids do it too!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Mrs. L,

We love them too--thanks for stopping by!


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