Today I am sharing 14 marks of a wise woman. She...
- Fears God, Proverbs 31:30.
- “Openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness ,” Proverbs 31:26.
- Is a “keeper at home,” Titus 2:5. (This doesn’t mean she never leaves her house, but her focus and the bulk of her attention is on her home and family.)
- Loves her husband and children, Titus 2:4.
- Is focused more on inward character than outward adornment, I Peter 3:3-4.
- Is modestly attired, I Timothy 2:9.
- Is trustworthy, Proverbs 31:11.
- Has a meek and quiet spirit, I Peter 3:4.
- Is industrious, Proverbs 31:13-27.
- Is giving, Proverbs 31:20, Luke 8:3.
- Is discreet, Titus 2:5. (“of a sound mind, sane, in one’s senses, curbing one’s desires and impulses, self-controlled, temperate,”)
- Is chaste, Titus 2:5.(“exciting reverence, venerable, sacred, pure; pure from carnality, chaste, modest; pure from every fault, immaculate; clean”).
- Builds up instead of tearing down, Proverbs 14:1, Ephesians 4:29.
- Is praiseworthy, Proverbs 31:28-31.
Do these marks describe you?
Now if someone asked your husband and children---would they wholeheartedly agree?
Need more reading on this topic? This is one of my favorite books:
“Every woman would love to replace a life of survival with a life of meaningful accomplishment,” says Elizabeth. In A Woman’s High Calling, she helps readers to eliminate the clutter and chaos of everyday life and focus on the few things God considers truly essential. And they’re spelled out in Titus 2:3-5, where God shines the spotlight on...
- wisdom
- purity
- wholesome speech
- personal discipline
- love of husband
- goodness of heart
- love of children
- Christlike conduct
- ministry to other women
- love of home
There’s no higher calling for women than making God's priorities their own. Readers will be eager to simplify their lives, adopt God's essentials, and pass them on by mentoring other women. With the now-included study guide, they’ll realize immediate results.
You can find A Woman's High Calling HERE.
Thank you for this list. I am going to copy/paste it and print it off as a bookmark and read it every day.
Sadly, no, I have a lot of work that needs to be done in these areas. I have my good moments and my bad, but I need to work harder at drawing my strength and guidance from the Lord. Then, and only then, will I be able to say yes.
Thank you again...
Very convicting post, I must say.
I know that I am not all those things and I know my husband and children would say the same. I do believe that I am in progress as we all are. I thank God for his mercy and grace each day. Praying that I may become more of the woman He wants me to become.
Beautiful. Thanks.
Very good post, very convicting post. This will be printed off several times, and placed throughout the house. I need these sort of reminders.
Thank you!
PS. And I'm NO where near having this list down pat. I'm okay in some areas, but in others...Not so much.
Every single one of us is a WORK IN PROGRESS! Be patient with yourselves and know that He who began a good work in you will be FAITHFUL to complete it!
Many blessings...
Thanks you for this list, it's a great reminder of how we as Christian women ought to live. Love the painting too! :)
I try to get all the thing on the list done, some days are better then others. I do have to fight my desire to out myself first, when tired or overly emotional and our whole family suffers then :-(
But I'm learning each day how to be a better wife, mother homemaker, God is making me see my sin and is helping me trough them, making me more like Him each day!
thanks for writing this list am d making us think about about it!
Psalm 139:23-24
June, thank you for this wonderful list. I too am going to print it off to read each day and study. I see many on this list that I need to work on. Thank you dear friend. Blessings, Tracylea
June, this is so convicting. I loved it, and I needed it!
This is my first visit to your site. I must say I am very glad I found it. I enjoyed your 14 marks of a wise woman. It's a good list to have handy to remind myself of God's wisdom for my life.
God Bless,
My Southern Front Porch
I should probably copy this post so that I can refer to it from time to time to make sure I am on the "right track" in behaving like a wise woman.
Thank you for sharing this. It was excellent!
-Lady Rose
I should memorizes this. :)
Thanks for the list and verse references!
What a wonderful post - thank you so much!
Thank you so much for sharing this! I need this as a daily reminder and I am going to use it. Thank you for making it so simple to print and put somewhere that I will see everyday. I'm thinking the mirror when I get ready every morning!
Thank you for the reminder of how we should be. I too would liketo copy and read it during my quite time. Thank you!
I love this post, and I love your blog. There's truth here, and a ton of good stuff! Keep it up!
I am definitely going to be bookmarking this post.
Thank you!
Wow... another one that convicts the soul.. I am surely a BIG work in progress. But I know that the Lord will finish the work that He has started in me. Thanks, June. Y'all be blessed always!
Wow!! beautiful post! Thank you! I am definitely work in progress but in the Lord I put all my trust. Thank you so much!
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