Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Day Tips, Crafts, and Inspiration

We want to wish our sweet readers a very happy Thanksgiving! Here is a peek at something my kids and I work on last week:

 These are a  Pilgrim and Indian craft you can make by recycling toilet paper tubes. You can find these ideas over at my Pinterest board--they even have some of snowmen that we plan on doing next week. We also made a blessing tree that my children made that you can find the directions for here:

This idea was found here.

I wanted to give everyone some tips and posts for the day in case they were looking for some posts related to this holiday:

Thanksgiving Tip: Cook Your Turkey Upside Down
Building a Home at Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Fun
It's About Family
Turkey Cookies and Pumpkin Recipes

This is the first Thanksgiving that we put our tree up early, (we bought a new one, tried it out and never put it back in the box) it is prelit so it looks so pretty and light ups the room. The twins are so cute and laid underneath it for a long time.  We wouldn't put the ornaments on it though until after Thanksgiving--this is also the first year I even have most of my shopping done thanks to Amazon ! I totally took advantage of their Amazon Prime free trial membership for one month to get items shipped free in two days, what a serious blessing with all the birthdays we have had for the last few weeks.

In case you like shopping early too--I found a a great affordable gift idea over at Dayspring if you like shopping after Thanksgiving online. It is "Jesus is the Gift" and it is over half off now for just $9.99!

I own the mugs to this set and looking forward to picking this up too! (Thanksgiving Tip: They have free shipping for orders over $50!). You can find this pretty plate HERE.

I hope you all have a great day enjoying friends and family and making special memories.. Remember tomorrow is Black Friday and there will be big news and fabulous deals here at the blog so be sure to visit us or subscribe so you don't miss it all!

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