Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sneak Peek: The Pursuit of Motherhood eBook - Soon To Be Released!


I am excited about a NEW ebook project that we were blessed to be a part of this past year that will be released on Black Friday!

It is called The Pursuit of Motherhood and it has an amazing team of writers that you, mother, will be very, VERY blessed by! Above, you can see a sneak peek of the cover and the special low launch day and price---you won't want to miss it so be sure to save the date!

Here is a taste of what you can find inside:

" sojourners in a place that is not our home, we must be warriors first, if we are to be Christians at all.~~~and Satan has waged no greater war than the one against the home, the family, and the role women play there. That should be our sign: we are under attack precisely because the enemy knows the power and influence of a godly wife and mother devoted to raising up children for the glory of God and helping her husband fulfill his calling in the Kingdom work God gives him.~~~So I say, raise your daughter to be a warrior, wearing the full armor of God so she will be able to avert the darts the enemy hurls at her, through criticism, self-doubt and discouragement. Teach her to look to the Author and Finisher of her faith for her validation and worth. Help her to fear only God and not man. And remind her that the mission field of home is a battle ground worth fighting for."

 -Kelly Crawford, Generation Cedar

To be sure that you don't miss the launch date, make sure that you subscribe to get our posts via email (it's free and easy, I promise).

Have a blessed week building up your strong homes for His glory!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree. I truly think we need to remember this first and foremost. I am always telling our children that this world is a battleground that prepares us for eternity. If that is the case, then home is our headquarters.

I love the new look of your blog, June, and this book sounds both encouraging and truthful.

I was wondering, though, how it works when several blog authors gets together to write one, and how the proceeds are split up. It seems like it would be very complicated to do, which is why I haven't attempted it before. Maybe it's easier than it seems? Where would I go to find that kind of information out?


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