Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Fun

Today is the last day before Thanksgiving, so be sure to create some fun memories for your family! We spent some time making sure we did plenty of crafts this past week and we will do more today. Here are some things we have been making or will:

 Love this easy one from Impress Your Kids (she also has lots of other great ideas)

 This is today's craft...

 Last week we built a huge Mayflower out of a big box we had and printed out pilgrim people to put on the boat and add oars with shish-ka-bob skewers. My boys loved this project. A reader suggested using a big refrigerator/appliance box--what a great idea!

My four younger ones made these for Dad yesterday--super easy and quick! If you have several children like I do, you know from experience to keep the crafts low maintenance!

All of these ideas and their backlinks can be found over at my Pinterest board! I will also post a few more posts later today so come back and check in.

Have fun making memories!


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Mary@The Encouraging Home said...

Love these great ideas! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Jacki said...

When we had a big thanksgiving dinner we use the turkey made from a toilet paper roll as place settings. Just write their names on cute! They were a big hit.

We also started our thankful tree where each year we make a leaf our of brown paper and write what we are thankful for. We write the year on it and year to year we pull them out and remember.

Love your blog!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


We love that idea too! Hoping to squeeze that in one year. There is a very pretty one by Emily Rose (Simply Vintage Girl) on my Pinterest wall that I just adore!

Many blessings...


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