She must have mental attractiveness. She will seek to be clothed in spiritual beauty. Her husband must see in her ever-new loveliness at the years move on. As the charms of physical beauty may fade in the toils and vicissitude of life, there must be more and more beauty of soul to shine out to replace the attractions that are lost. It has been said that "the wife should always leave something to be revealed only to her husband, some modest charm, some secret grace, reserved solely for his delight and inspiration, like those flowers which give of their sweetness only to the hand that lovingly gathers them."
She should always care more to please him than any other person in the world. She should prize more highly a compliment from his lips than from any other human lips. Therefore she should reserve for him the sweetest charms; she should seek to bring ever to him so new surprise of loveliness; should should plan pleasures and delights for him. Instead of not caring how she looks or whether she is agreeable or not when no one but her husband is present, she should always be at her best for him.
Instead of being bright and lovely when there is company, then relapsing into languor and silence when the company is gone, she should seek always to be brightest and loveliest when only he and she sit together in the quiet of the home.
Both husband and wife should ever bring their best things to each other.
--JR Miller, a 19th century preacher, excerpt from The Family formerly titled Homemaking

What a beautiful post!
I am going to have to purchase this book. How beautiful and true these words are. Being married for 22 years, I can affirm these time-honored truths.
Just wanted to stop by to say how much I enjoy your blog. It helps me to slow down and regain focus on what I hold most dear.
This is a wonderful reminder. I struggle with keeping up with dressing nicely for my husband. He has said that he doesn't care and that he wants me to be comfortable, but I know that keeping my appearance nice has its benefits.
Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing this excerpt.
I have read your blog for awhile now, and truly enjoy it. This is the first time I have commented. I love the focus on marriage, and motherhood, and femininity. I so appreicate the encouragement you provide.
Thank you for the beautiful post. Such a lovely discription of a wife. I have this book, but it has been awhile since I've read it. I will have to do so again!
Beautiful! You have made me want to read that book now.
This was just wonderful! I should have my darling daughter read this!
Wow, this is good. Very good! This is something every married woman should read. I have my struggles with this at times and get lazy. Once in a while he will comment ever so gently. I'm blessed with such a sweet man, I should do my best for him. Thank you for this.
A beautiful excerpt from a wonderful book :o)
Such wise words.
Lovely post.
Such lovely words. I have been "planning" for quite some time to buy the book mentioned, but haven't done so. I am anxious now to buy and read the whole book.
I love your blog and I read it frequently. (My daughter also enjoys your daughter's blog.) You have been a source of inspiration and encouragement. May God richly bless you and your family this new year. May all your BIG dreams be fulfilled.
Great post. I really struggle with this and feel like a juggler trying to keep so many balls in the air (keep baby alive, keep toddler from hurting herself, keep dh happy...find time to brush teeth) I really don't have a clue how to implement all this, but I want to...
Many Blessings :)
I absolutley love J R Miller.I have read Homemaking twice and this makes me want to read it again.I came upon a little treasure of a book of prayers he wrote in an antique shop last year for a dollar.No one could understand why I was so excited!This post is just what I needed today.Thank you June!
Yes, what a lovely book! Thank you for the reminder. I enjoy your blog and am encouraged by the posts.
Lovely. Very romantic way of thinking!-And biblical!
Great post! I have been reading your blog for a while now and really enjoy it. Would it be ok if I posted this post on my blog?
If you would like to visit my blog here is the link:
Thank you so much!
This was beautiful to read...Thanks so much for the reminder!! Feel free to stop by and check out my blog and leave a comment if you wish...BE BLESSED!
Dear Megan,
Thanks for visiting and yes you may post this article, I only ask that you link back to this blog.
Many blessings...
Oh, I loved this... just think what the impact would be if we did these things daily...
A precious ,sweet reminder, thank you. tammyp
Your blog is so refreshing and full of grace. It's a glimpse of Heaven.
God Bless YOU!
Warm Pie, Happy Home
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. Thank you.
I have just finished reading this book and it is the best book I have ever read on family life. I love your blog! I don't have time to read many blogs and I have to choose only a select few that not only inspire but also help me in practical ways. I will try your laundry routine! I have girl 'twinadoes' who are a constant source of delight.
Reading how much your blog is reaching out to others has prompted me to start my own (after much deliberation!)I'm in Australia and haven't found too many blogs here which focus on Christian homemaking, family and homeschooling, so hopefully I can inspire others and create a beautiful family journal at the same time.
Once again, you have shared such beautiful words of wisdom. I never cease to be inspired by your grace. Thank you.
That was a really lovely read. Thanks so much for sharing it. =)
Hi I was just wondering if you have any biblical references to any of this. Especially
"She will look well to her personal appearance; no woman can be careless in her dress, statternly and untidy, and long keep her place on the throne of her husband's life."
"Her husband must see in her ever-new loveliness at the years move on. As the charms of physical beauty may fade in the toils and vicissitude of life, there must be more and more beauty of soul to shine out to replace the attractions that are lost."
Isn't this putting to much emphases on outer appearance? Doesn't the Lord's word say,
Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
1Pe 3:3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.
1Pe 3:4 Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.
I cannot find anywhere where it says we must work to be physically appealing to our husbands. I admit we are not to be lazy and slothful (as those are themselves sins) but to put such high priortity on how we look does not seem biblical to me.
Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for your question. I will try to answer this quickly because I am short on time.
The Bible does talk about both. In Proverbs 31 we see that there are verses both on inward and outward adornment. If you look throughout the Bible you will also see other examples. However, if you read over my post again you will see that this post is a post quoting not the Bible-but a preacher. He is not infallible and he is only stating his opinions, which I happen to agree with.
If you look into Song of Songs the entire book is checkered with language of the two lovers admiring one another's outward beauty. This is not sinful and should not be confused with vanity as we know in our culture today, but instead used as an example of how a husband admires his wife and vice versa.
Hope this helps to answer you questions.
Many blessings...
I love the artwork and spirt of your blog. Thank you for creating such a lovely place to rest and reflect. Pamela
Oh what an encouraging post. Thanks for the reminder as to what I should be to my husband. God bless you.
Beautiful. This reminds me of the Wife in Washington Irving's story. I have always come to this short story for inspiration when times are harsh. Please read it when you have the time, you can maybe share it in your blog. Thank you for your inspiration to so many.
Wow! This post was a great encouragement and reminder! Thank you, June!
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