Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Grandest Vocation


"To be a mother is the grandest vocation in the world.

No one being has a position of such power and influence.

She holds in her hands the destiny of nations;

for to her is necessarily committed

the making of the nation's citizens."

---Hannah Whitall Smith


Caroline said...

That is a beatiful quote and SO TRUE! I am constantly amazed that women I know "search for meaning and purpose" in their lives and do not even look toward their own family and the Bible for the answer. Serve God by serving your husband and children, and lift them up to do great things in His name!

Unknown said...

Oh, I am so glad that I have found your lovely blogs. I love being a mother, it is the most fulfilling thing I have ever done.
Blessings, Karen

Melody said...

It's amazing before God...I had my own plans and agenda with God he has brought me to an amazing level that I have never dreamed of. My role as a wife and mother I enjoy far beyond words, and thank God daily for blessing me with such a life.

Untypically Jia said...

How perfectly accurate that is! I agree with Kina. I hear so many women say things like "I have nothing to do at home" when their children are positioned in front of video games and television all day.

Deanna said...

Dear One,
You have such beautiful illustrations on your blog!
What an inspiration to women seeking their purpose.
Thank you for this blog.
Christian Women's Blogs are uplifting to me.
You have uplifted me today!

Susan B said...

What a beautiful quote, and so very true! The picture you have used is lovely. Have a wonderful weekend.

Katie said...

Lovely! You are so sweet and so inspiring! Praise God for you!

Abounding Treasures said...

A beautiful and true quote and a lovely picture :o)


JavaMama said...

That is probably the most beautiful quote on motherhood that I have read, beauitful. What a description of the highest callings as a woman... motherhood. Thanks for sharing it and encouraging me this morning.

JOYfully in Him,

I am Tammy, Welcome to my Farm said...

Where do you get your beautiful pictures? I would love to hang them in my house also.
Love your blog.

Amico Dio said...

I just wanted to come by and say congratulations for being one of the Internet Cafe's Top 100 Christian Women's Blogs of 2008! You are truly a blessing. Thank you for the many ways that you serve!

Laurie Ann said...

Beautiful quote and pic.

I just wanted to stop in and say congratulations for being one of the Internet Cafe’s Top 100 Christian Women’s Blogs of 2008! Your blog truly does bless!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Amy and Laurie,

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment about the Top 100 list---I had no idea about this at all until I found it at someone else's site and thought I would check it out. Lo and behold, there was my blog! I am humbled and deeply appreciative, so much so that I am going to post my thanks to all my wonderful readers who took the time to nominate me.

Many blessings and thank you if you voted...

Mrs. Angela D. Vaughn said...

Mrs. Fuentes found your blog tonight and have been so blessed by so many things. I am a devout believer in Jesus, wife to Jonathan and mother of 4 children(for now). We feel many times so out of place and awkward with the convictions that we have for marriage and family it is refreshing and comforting to know we have more family and fellow soldiers in the fight. Funny thing my husband and I both grew up in Chicago now reside in Virginia and have been so blessed because God moved us, I think, so that we would not have the temptation to water down some of beliefs because of those around us. If we ever move back we are looking you all up. My husband feels a kindred spirit of sorts with your husband and found him on FB. God Bless you as you help to keep his precious plants watered and fed.


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