Thursday, December 2, 2021

50 Random Acts of Kindness for December

"A tree is known for it's fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love."

Are you trying to teach your children more about kindness?

Kindness is a character quality that is encouraged in the Bible --you can find many verses on it.

And since December is known as the month of giving--why not spread a little Christmas kindness? Every year our family tries to do some random acts of kindness, but lately I have been wanting to get more intentional with it. We seemed to do more when my older kids were younger, but now I want to be able to do it with our younger set of kids too so they have some memories doing it as well.


And honestly, how rewarding is the feeling you get when you are kind and bless others--it is truly like no other. It is a wonderful gift to be kind to others while you yourself are blessed in the process!

"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." 

~Philippians 2:4

I wanted to share a Random Acts of Kindness list that you can do yourself or together with your family for the month of December. You can do a few, do them all, or pick just one.

Feel free to print this list out and hang it on your refrigerator!

Let's begin:

1. Pay for someone's coffee or meal behind you.

2. Make cookies for a neighbor.

3. Share the gospel.

4. Donate food to a local food bank.

5. Let someone ahead of you in line.

6. Do a chore for someone in your family.

7. Shovel someones driveway.

8. Take cocoa or coffee to a Salvation Army ringer.

9. Sponsor a Child in a different country

10. Bring dinner for a single mom or gifts for her child(ren).

11. Help a widow.

12. Hand out flowers (at the store, mall, school, on the street, etc.)

13. Leave quarters taped to a vending machine.

14. Leave random dollar bills in the dollar store.

15. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or women's center.

16. Support a missionary or missionaries from your church (write a card, donate money, send a box of treats or needs).

17. Donate your clothes to a shelter.

18. Give money or care packages to the poor or homeless.

19. Donate pet food to the pet shelter or adopt a dog.

20. Do yard work for a neighbor.

21. Create a care package for someone in need.

22. Spend the day giving compliments to people.

23. Send a handwritten letter.

24. Support a small business.

25. Babysit for free.

26. Hold the door open for someone.

27. Give or leave your mailman a treat.

28. Invite someone over for dinner.

29. Do something nice for your siblings or parents.

30. Pray for someone.

31. Donate toys to a children's hospital.

32. Donate to an orphanage or adopt a child who needs a home.

33. Help a senior with their groceries.

34. Give someone a gift card.

35. Donate toys to a favorite charity. 

36. Spread encouragement around you and online.

37. Donate your hair after a haircut.

38. Give your waiter/waitress a good tip.

39. Buy someone's groceries.

40. Smile at everyone.

41. Hold open doors for people.

42. Bring doughnuts to coworkers or friends.

43. Visit someone who is sick.

44. Hug people.

45. Take treats to a fire station or police station.

46. Praise an employee to their manager/boss about good service you received

47. Read a book to a child.

48. Be a part of a fundraiser.

49. Send a card to a soldier.

50. Donate mittens, clothes, coats, and toys to Project Angel Tree.

I will try to make a printable for this list as soon as a I get some spare time and will let you know when I do!

We also recommend this book--Christian Acts of Kindness by Barbara Johnson:

I hope this list is helpful and a blessing to you!

What would you add to this list?

You might also like to check out our Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide!

Note: This post contains affiliate links--thanks for your support!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for these lovely ideas, June!
In the weeks before Thanksgiving I had been wracking my brain for more than a few ideas to help out or show kindness this Christmas season. The Lord has also placed it on my heart to be more intentional about shining his Light this December and beyond.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful December and Christmas and create many precious memories with your little ones (and older kids, too)
Love, Autumn

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Autumn,

I am so glad this was a blessing to you! I am glad I took the time to write it out so I can easily refer to it this month as well. May you and your family have a wonderful holiday season!

Many blessings to you...:)


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