Sunday, December 15, 2019

15 Ways to Bless a Lonely Widow

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."  

~James 1:27

Do you know of a widow that God has put in your path?

We have one down the street that we like to be friendly with. She will have the kids come over to help her do odds and ends around her home. She comes by with cookies and we will try to bring her some food. Recently she had found out she had cancer so caring for her home became harder as she began her round of treatments. 

I was thinking about other Christians that I know who help take care of widows or try to serve them. It is a wonderful way to share the love of Christ with those who truly need it. 

So we wrote out a list of ideas of how you could serve a widow. You could do this on your own or with your family. 

Here are a few:

1. Bring her some food.

2. Bake her some cookies.

3. Invite her over to your home.

4. Shovel her driveway.

5. Rake her leaves or mow her lawn if you live in a warmer climate.

6. Help with repairs or anything else she needs help with.

7. Bring her a gift.

8. Visit her at her home (or at the nursing home or the hospital- even offer to take her to an appointment if she needs it).

9. Take her out to eat (or for coffee or tea). You could even invite her to church if she doesn't already go.

10. Offer to take her shopping if she needs help or pick up items for her at the store.

11. Offer a listening ear.

12. Bring her flowers.

13. Send her a card or letter or even just a text to check up on her.

14. Find out what her needs are and help to meet them or let the word out.

15. Pray for her and with her and share God's Word with her.

What else would add to this list?

Please share them in the comments below!

"Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation." ~Psalm 68:5

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Regina said...

During the holidays it's hard for some widows so I think having them over for dinner would be good.
If you do Christmas stockings you could make sure there is one for her (or him if you have a widower over)

Deanna said...

Hello from Kansas! This post was a good read for me as my Mother is a widow. This is an encouragement to me with these ideas on how to bless a widow. Even though my Mom is my mom she is at a loss without my Dad. Blessings to you and Merry Christmas,

gracielynn's said...

Lovely !
I would add, help her send birthday or Christmas cards.. offer to get her some stamps or help with writing addresses.
Ask her to attend the school Christmas concert.
drive at night to look at all the lights. have her spend an afternoon helping decorate cookies , take her to visit her friends or family.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Thoughtful ideas. Thanks for sharing them. We have a widow in the neighborhood we visit with ourselves.

Unknown said...

When my dad passed away last October he suggested I move in with my mom. I did move in with her and we minister to one another. I was reluctant at first because of being on my own for 15 years. God's ways are higher than my ways. By God's grace we are studying the book of Psalms in depth each night. It has been so good for our soul. Iron sharpening iron.


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