Friday, December 21, 2018

Fighting the Cold and Flu with Helpful Home Remedies

Every fall and winter season there are colds, flus, and viruses to contend with.
This year especially since the flu was so rampant last year I have been thinking about making sure that we stock our medicine cabinet well. We already have been dealing with colds this past month!

Here are a few things that you might want to have on hand and if you doing the same:
1.Vitamins – Be sure to keep your immune system boosted and have Vitamin C, Vitamin D and some Zinc lozenges on hand. And don’t forget the throat lozenges for sore throats! Vitamin E, Quercetin, Magnesium, and Selenium are great too. With Covid and Omicron lingering we need to keep our bodies strong. 
2. Elderberry Syrup – you can make your own by buying your own elderberries or get one that is already made like this one. This is great to take when you start feeling symptoms because I have heard it can even shorten the duration of illness too. Your family might even like the Elderberry Gummies. 
3. Essential Oils & Diffuser – some of the most popular essential oils in the winter are pepperminteucalyptuswintergreenfrankincense and tea tree oil. Be sure to have a good diffuser to make it easier to breathe too! We like to have more than one to place in different rooms throughout the house.
4. Raw Honey & Garlic – Everyone knows the powerful properties of these two items can pack a punch. Try cooking with more garlic and increasing your intake of it. If you can't get it fresh you can also find them as a supplement.  

We recommend raw organic honey if possible and if you are able to get it locally that is even better.

5. Fall & Winter Teas – There are many out there that are great, here are a few of interest:

6. Airborne - I really like Airborne because as soon as I feel something coming on I take it it usually goes away. It works as an immunity booster. Also, my family likes to use Emergen-C too.

7. Chicken Soup - Grandma always said that their are properties in the bone broth that can help your symptoms and illness go away quicker. I believe her! Try to make some on your own and freeze it for when you get sick. But if you are already sick and can't make your own, you might want to rely on these organic premade soups. 

Don’t forget to have a good humidifier on hand as well! 
Eat many plenty of fruits and vegetables for and stay away from the sugar that will take down your immune system. 
If you want to learn more on this topic, you might want to check out this book: Herbal Medicine Natural Remedies: 150 Herbal Remedies to Heal Common Ailments.

We hope you have a healthy winter with these tips!
What else would *you* add?


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