Tuesday, June 25, 2024

5 Ways to Plan for the Summer {& Really Get Things Done!}

These past few days I have been doing what I do best---list making!

I am dreaming about summer and looking forward to soaking up some sun, relax and just be!

Through it all I know I want to tackle some things around here so I have been doing some planning.

I am the type of person who always has something going so it is better if I make a list, it helps keep things orderly and out of my brain. I do most of my planning on my iPhone app which makes it easy to make changes and add things since I usually have it on me or nearby.

Here are 5 areas that I am planning for right now:


This includes things like...

-trying new recipes 
-purposeful relaxing,
-beach visits
-books I want to read 
-new hobbies
-fun projects I want to tackle
-places I want to visit
-plans for holidays 
-birthdays, etc. 

As well as blogging goals that I want to accomplish.  I also make sure to plan in lots of down days to enjoy with the kiddos too!


Like I mentioned above, this summer I am looking forward to getting some new reading in. I am super picky about what I read since I don't like wasting time on books that I don't feel that I glean much from. I am not one that feels obligated to read a book cover to cover once I start it either. I usually keep a running list in my Amazon's Wish List so when I check out I can easily add them to my cart.  I am also probably going to make a summer reading list for the children too. Here is a good one for boys and for girls if you want or need some wholesome recommendations.


I might just need to do a whole separate post on this later but I love planning for the garden. I am so grateful to always have children who enjoy helping out. It has brought so many memories and they always look forward to it.  


It seems that every summer we usually need to:

  • clean out the garage
  • basement
  • declutter and purge
  • organize the children toys and rooms
  • switch to summer wardrobes 
  • tackle painting projects (this summer I am going to assign my oldest son to do this inside of my pantry)

I also add anything extra that needs attention too, summer is a great time to tackle these types of projects. 


I usually try to tackle preparing for a new homeschooling year  more towards the end of summer usually in August. I take the time to:

  • look through curriculum
  • purchase books
  • organize and prep our homeschooling areas
  • buy school supplies
  • plan out goals to accomplish the following year

I like list making because it helps me to achieve what might not get done in the lazy days of summer --to actually stick to my goals and get things done!

I hope this post was helpful in helping you to think about and plan out your summer!

What would you add to this summer list?

Please share them in the comments!

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Huskerbabe said...

So glad that you made a spot for fun things. I need to just schedule those things in now. We always say we're going to do something fun but then get busy with the garden and all the work we didn't get done in the school year and it falls by the wayside.

This year we are going to take a vacation. We haven't had one in 4 years and I think a break would be good for all of us. Now we just need to decide where to go.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Hope you have fun on your vacation!


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