Wednesday, June 26, 2024

10 Ways to Teach Your Children Godly Character This Summer

Today I wanted  to share a few ways to teach your children godly character through the summer.
This might be your first year that you purposefully decide to try to instill more character in them--or you just might feel your children need to focus more on it! (Don't we all feel that way sometimes?) Our children are definitely not perfect and we always should be trying to reach their hearts with the truth of God's word.

Whether you just want to choose one thing or ALL, feel free to pick and choose! Maybe you used to do all these things but just need to get back on track, summer is definitely a great time to do it. We are personally planning to do several of these things of the list.

Here we go:

1. Begin a consistent Bible reading/devotional time. Be sure to include prayer.
We always need to be pro-active about getting the Word of God into our children and the most important thing you can do is help them to have a regular time with God that will bring them into their adult years. If your children are small just read a children's Bible to them.

2. Bible verse memorization. Maybe a verse, a chapter, or whole books.
Don't forget to also learn fun facts, for many books of the bible are there, where did such and such take place. I liked this Bible Fun Fact book and the children enjoyed it too. Small children can listen to scripture CD's to learn verses a designated times of the day or before going to sleep at night.

3. Work through a character work book together.
Polished Cornerstones and Plants Grown Up not only has solid character training teaching but also offer smorgasbord of fun and meaningful activities or skills! 

4. Start a summer reading list
and include inspiring stories of the faith, martyrs, and biographies of past Christian heroes or inspirational men and women who have come before us. For more Christian book/magazine ideas click here. 

5. Watch movies--
Don't just grab any old movie, but be purposeful! Go to your local Christian bookstore or your library and grab some inspiringly refreshing movies that make for great conversation later. Also use movies from this site to teach a biblical worldview.

6. Give them jobs.
Summer is not just for lazing around and lamenting about how bored they are. Get the rest and fun in but be sure to give them some jobs to help around the house. Organizing, cleaning, mowing the grass, organizing a garage sale, plant a vegetable garden, mending, sewing, cooking, home repairs,  cleaning their room, learning an instrument, washing the car, are all great ways to teach teach the principal or hard work, diligence and perseverance, which are all godly traits that should be reinforced.

7. If you kids are older have them watch/listen to sermons or biblical teaching online.
He who walks with the wise becomes wise. Now your children can walk with very wise preachers who live across the globe. Download podcasts or use You Tube and have them listen! For younger kids, I recommend Cedarmont Kids and Jonathan Park.

8. Join in activities with your local church.
There are many great godly men and women to tap into at church and lots of opportunities to volunteer and for outreach.

9. Volunteer to help.
Whether it be in a food pantry, an volunteer organization, bringing a new mom a meal or baking cookies or cleaning the yard for the widow down the street, or making food packages for the poor, we can reach out with helping hands in special ways to our community.

10. Spread the gospel.
A few years back we used to buy some modern tracts and spread them in our neighborhood, stores and parking lots. But there are many ways to do this. You can bake a loaf of bread or gift and attach a card and give it to a neighbor/friend or invite them over and show some good old fashioned Christian hospitality. You can share the gospel to the masses at home too. A few of my children in the past had set up blogs just so they could help spread the word about Jesus (they also learn valuable writing skills, typing, communication and computer skills).

                                               And most importantly have fun with the list

and don't forget to give your children grace--it's summer after all!

                                                      We hope you enjoy your summer!

Sweet friend, do you know the Lord and if you are going to heaven? Please read this to be sure.

If you need help learning God's Word be sure to find a good Bible.

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Niki said...

Thanks for posting this! All really good advice. It is amazing how much this can help even the smallest children! Just 2 weeks ago I started helping my 2 year old memorize a verse of scripture and I am so amazed at how quickly she can pick up on things! Little children are sponges! And it is so easy to underestimate what they are capable of! I always need to be reminded of that!

Bambi @ In the Nursery of the Nation said...

Great ideas, June! Have you ever seen the site "Puritan Picks" for godly movie rentals? Love it!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


I actually was going to mention Puritan Picks in this post and completely forgot. For those interested in godly movies that are available Netflix style check out:

Thanks so much for mentioning it!

Many blessings...

Shari said...

Wonderful advice. Thank you for listing the resources for listening to biblical teachings and sermons. That was on my to do list for this summer.


Tracy @ Hall of Fame Moms said...

June, your new blog look is wonderful and this post is encouraging. I do have the Plants Grown Up book and this summer would be a great time to dig in and focus on it with the boys. Thanks!

Blessed Beyond a Doubt said...

Wonderful ideas!

And I love Doorpost products!

Character is important in our home.

Thanks for sharing!

Nanci (Joyfulmomof6) said...

Thanks, Bambi, for mentioning Puritan's Picks. That is exactly what I had been looking/praying for but I had no idea existed! We quickly exhausted all the Christian possibilities when we had a free trial of Netflix.

Anonymous said...

Loved this post!! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Thank you talking about Puritan's Picks ... had never heard of it and we are over Netflix!!! I'm wondering if there are any options for a streaming version (I just saw that Puritan's Picks uses dvds) ... only because I prefer streaming.

Alicia said...

Love this! I can't wait to try out some of the resources you suggested that we haven't tried. Have you heard of Jelly Telly? My three boys (7, 5 & 2) love it and I love knowing there's no questionable content or suggestive commercials to worry about. All Christian children's programming. They can use the app on devices but we primarily stream it from a desktop to the TV via Chrome Cast.

Thanks again! I'll be sharing this!


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