Monday, February 20, 2017

Wholesome Books for Young Boys and Girls

Have you ever heard the saying "Readers are leaders, and leaders are readers"?

We used to share the quote around here quite a bit in our home, trying to encourage our younger children to read so that they would gain good habits.

If you are looking for some wholesome reading for your young sons (and want to pull them away from the screen or video games a bit)  you might want to check some of our favorite titles for young boys out:

1. The Action Bible - I love, love, love these for my kids. Everything is in comic book form and makes it so easy for them to understand Bible stories and concepts that might be harder reading the regular Bible (don't worry, they read that too, but this one is so fun and they devour it!).

2. Ten Boys Who Changed the World - Some of my kids just read these for school this past month. It includes stories about famous missionaries and evangelists, you can read a bit more below about them:

George Muller was a thief when he was younger and spent time in jail for his crimes. Brother Andrew grew up in Holland during the second World War and played tricks on German soldiers. Nicky Cruz grew up in a family where spirit worship was a regular occurrence. He became a very angry young man, out to cause trouble.

John Newton was captured at a young age and forced to join Her Majesty's Navy, leaving his friends and family behind. What happened to these young boys and how did God make them into men who changed their world? Read how George Muller was finally trusted with millions of pounds. Discover how Brother Andrew grew up to be a smuggler of Bibles. Read how Nicky Cruz was rescued from self-destruction and eventually went on to begin one of the largest youth organisations reaching out to hurt and confused young people throughout the world.

David Livingstone (Missionary in Africa)
Nicky Cruz (Evangelist)
Brother Andrew (Smuggler for God in Communist Countries)
George Muller (Founder of Children's Homes)
William Carey (Missionary in India)
John Newton (Minister and reformer)
Adoniram Judson (Missionary in Burma)
Billy Graham (Evangelist)
Luis Palau (Evangelist)
Eric Liddell (Athlete and Missionary in China)

3. Little Pilgrims Progress - If your child is too young to read the regular Pilgrims Progress this one is a great way to introduce them to this classic!

Here is our well loved worn-out copy:

4. The Building on a Rock Series - This is a fun series and includes the following below:

How God Sent a Dog to Save a Family

How God Used a Drought and an Umbrella

How God Used a Snowdrift

How God Stopped the Pirates

How God Used a Thunderstorm

4. Jonathan Park Series - there are several books included in this series too!

Jonathan Park: A Startling Discovery

Jonathan Park: A New Beginning

Jonathan Park: Return to Hidden Cave

These are related to the awesome and popular Jonathan Park Radio dramas that everyone loves, and it looks from this link here that they have started some newer editions of these books!

5. Scout Series - Several great stories about a boy and his faithful dog and how they tackle different adventures--boys just love this stuff!

Here is a list of what I know is available:

I hope these books bless your children as they have mine!


You might also like our Book List for Daughters:

Note: This post contains affliate links--thanks for your support!


Rosie said...

Thanks for the list. I am always on the lookout for new titles.

Teresa said...

Which of these books would be good for a 4th or 5th grade level to read? Also 6th or 7th grade level?

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Rosie,

You're welcome and hope you visit again soon!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Anonymous,

Sure thing and thanks for sharing!


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