Monday, March 3, 2014

10 Good Reasons to Get Our New eBook!

How to Buid a Strong Christian Home

If you still haven't bought our new eBook How to Build a Strong Christian Home: One Step at a Time yet and are sitting on the fence on whether you should get it or not--then today's post is for you, we are sharing 10 reasons why you should get it!

Before we begin this list I would like to thank all the people who have already purchased this eBook, helped us to get to #2 of Hot New Releases list on Amazon last week, did reviews, contacted me about how much they loved the book and more. We could not have done this without you!

Now let's begin:

 1. It is Focused on Restoring the Christian Family

Each chapter of How to Build a Strong Christian Home is filled with gems and nuggets to take away and apply to our every day lives. There is much application and it is a book that will challenge and spur you on in your role as a Christian wife and mother. We are reminded that just because there are Christians in the home doesn't mean Christ is the foundation of the home. It begins in our hearts. As I read I kept coming back to this line in a favorite hymn, "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand". It will be a book you will return to time and again.
Marci,  Thankful Homemaker (Author)

2. It is Much Needed for Christian Women

June Fuentes, from A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, has written an extraordinarily practical, wise book about all things building a Christian home culture. For the mom who already understands building her home and the power of her influence, the book is an excellent shot in the arm, jarring us from our daily doldrums.

In a culture that treats home as merely a stopping place for people to eat and sleep, How to Build a Strong Christian Home is a much-needed clarion call for the church, the family and the Christian community, to reestablish the foundation of Christian culture. If we are to ever see the transforming power of Christ's work in our churches and communities, we must first ignite it in our homes.

This book will surely fan the flames.  -Kelly, Generation Cedar (Author & Speaker)

3. It Emphasizes a Godly Home

June's book is a wonderful help for building Christian homes for God's glory. Whether this is all new to you or you have gotten sidetracked and need some prodding to get "back at it", you'll find lots of helpful advice, quotes, and Bible verses to show you the way. Some of my favorite sections of the book deal with ministering and working together as a family and making your home a sanctuary for your husband and children.

The passion of the author to see women building strong Christian homes comes through her writing and you will be challenged and exhorted to give your very best to your family. This book not only inspires a vision of what needs to be done, it is full of practical ways to accomplish that goal. This is yet another good work from the author that encourages every wise woman to build her home! Rhonda, Walking with Sarah (Pastor's Wife)

4. It is a Toolbox for Those Who are First Generation Christians

Junes’ book is filled with all sorts of practical advice, quotes, and examples to encourage a Christ-centered home, filled with peace and the love of God. It was so refreshing to read how her family spends time at the “family altar,” because it reminded me of how we do things at our house!

This is not a book for the “perfect” family, since such a thing does not exist this side of eternity, but is a book written for mortals who know that trusting in God to use sinners who slip every-so-often is still the best way to live on planet earth. -Sherry, Large Family Mothering (Author & Mom to 15)

5. It Ministers to Those Who are in Ministry

"As a parent, I’m painfully aware of the challenges families face in today’s world. It is no small thing to raise godly kids in this generation, and it certainly won’t happen by accident.
I believe minister’s families face an extra dimension in the parenting challenge.  We have a God given mandate to lead and encourage families, shape the church culture, and set a worthy example for others to follow...

As a pastor’s wife, I welcomed June’s practical advice and life experiences like a breath of fresh air.   Minister’s families need to be ministered to!  How to Build a Strong Christian Home blessed, encouraged, and inspired me as a mom, and renewed my vision as a pastor’s wife." - Kristy, Little Natural Cottage (Author)

6. It is Scripture Inspired and Grace-Based

June Fuentes' new work, How To Build A Strong Christian Home is Scripture-inspired, grace-based, family building tool for Christian fathers and mothers who believe that the desire to keep God's commandments, renew our minds, and take every though captive and make it obedient unto Christ, is a result of the Holy-Spirit's work in our lives.Those who grew up in a Christian family can easily take their rich heritage for granted and imitate the traditions of their parents simply because they don’t know any different. First generation Christians (such as the author herself), have their work cut out for them in a different sense....

How To Build A Strong Christian Home is an exegesis of the Biblical prescription for home life that Christian families on every stage of the journey would benefit from reading. It explores the role of husbands, wives, parents, children, the family’s place within the local church and how it ought to function within society. Patterning our habits in the home after those we find in God’s Word is an essential part of Christian living, and this eBook is a helpful resource for those who yearn to live a holy life in dependence on God’s grace.  -Jacinda, Growing Home (Author)

7. It Gives You a Starting Point

 A lovely, thought provoking, challenging and convicting (!) eBook.  Have you ever wondered what “Bible time,” and worshipping at home looks like?  Many of us are first generation Christians and don’t know where to start.  June covers this topic, (and so many others) even giving a detailed glimpse of what that hour in her home looks like.  Thank you June!  -Jennifer, The Focused Homemaker (Author and Film Maker)

8. It's Encouraging and Convicting

 "Reading this book now! Such a blessing. I want every wife I know to read it!" Reader on Facebook

9. It Makes You Think Purposefully about Your Legacy

June’s book, How to Build A Strong Christian Home, is packed full of encouragement for parents who want to obey God’s commands, and lead their family in a God-centered way.  You will be reminded  just how important your role is, as a parent, and how much influence you can have on not only your children, but also the generations to come.This book is very practical, and  will help many who want to have a strong Christian home, know what they can do to make that happen.

I love how she clearly points out that none of us are perfect parents, and none of us have perfect homes.  However, with the help of God, and with His grace, He can use our imperfections to help us grow more like Him, and depend on Him.

Some of my favorite parts of the book are the reminders and tips about supporting our husbands, and her words of exhortation about not being robbed of the simple joys of life. Chapter 6 talks about teaching God’s Word in our homes, and shepherding the hearts of our kids.  Those two things are SO foundational to all that we do as parents.   It’s something we probably know, but can always be reminded of!

For me the biggest challenge was the reminder of where MY heart is as a mom.  It’s not enough to work to win my kids’ hearts; it starts with my heart being turned toward them. -Kathie M. -The Character Corner (Author)

10. It is Priced Low for Your Budget

We kept the price low for everyone so now can get all this for the price of a cup of coffee at Starbucks! It is available in three formats (take your pick).


You can get it now on PDF here:

Or get it for your
 Kindle on Amazon 
or Nook at
Barnes and Noble

(And don't forget to enter for a chance to win the $650 Mega HomeBuilding Bundle Giveaway--we are giving away Character curriculum, and all kinds of lovely items for mom and building up your home! )

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