Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Losing Sight of the Kingdom

Are we losing sight of the kingdom?

Have we allowed others to guide our way?

I am asking this because as women I realize how easy it is for us to follow culture, the influencers in our "circles", and other "voices" of our day.

But Christian women need to exercise wisdom and discernment, examining everything under the grid of Scripture and be sober-minded because we know the days are evil. Today we can even see a shifting tide in culture where Christianity is under attack in our country, so we need to be even more diligent and aware when we see it inside our own walls.

Can I just say that just because a book made it into the top ten in the Christian bookstore does not always mean that it is biblically sound? This also goes for popular  TV & radio shows, blogs, magazines, speakers, Facebook statuses, and more.

We need to be careful not to fall into deception or false teaching because there is so much of it around. In many ways, we as women are even more gullible since we are more emotionally wired and relationally driven and if we don't know the Scriptures we can be easily misled.

 I am really disturbed by the amount of wrong teaching out there such as:

"Follow your heart."

"If it feels good do it."

"It's all about YOU and it doesn't matter what anyone else says." 

You might not hear it exactly in these terms, but you will experience different variations of them everywhere especially online.

But what happened to:

"What do the Scriptures say?"

"How does God view that?"

"Who is the final authority of all things?"

Have we departed from the first things? Are we accepting a watered-down Christianity? Who is it all about anyway--us or Jesus? If we follow our  heart, it can often can lead us down the wrong path. We need the light of Scripture to direct it.

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9

Now if you are truly having trouble figuring out if something is sound or not here a some steps to find out:

1. Study, Study, Study the Scriptures--don't just take a few seconds to Google something or ask someone on Twitter, but make sure you study the Scriptures deeply on a topic. There is so much misinformation out there you don't want to just take anybody for their word unless you know that they are solid.

2. Ask Your Husband--you'd be surprised how many women go to other women or other sources before they ask their husband. Many times confusion could have been easily cleared by going directly to him. A godly husband who is not sure will often go to his pastor or study himself to give her the right answer.

3. Ask Your Pastor/Elder--if you are single go to your pastor for direction. That is his job to help guide you and make sure that you are not being misled. If you are younger, ask your parents for help.

4. Get Wise Biblical Counsel--if you are not in a church at this time, get counsel from sound friends who you know will tell you like it is (but in love, of course!). I recommend Christian friends who are older, wiser, and have lots of experience and won't water the Word down.

Ladies, let us not lose sight of the Author and Perfecter of our faith.

Dear Lord, I pray that we would be sound and grounded Christian women that can lead the way for future women. I pray that we would tear down idols we have made in our lives and put God first and ourselves last. I pray that we would fervently search the Scriptures so that we can teach soundly and that we could be an example to the younger generation that comes behind us. Please give us clear minds to understand your Word and help us grow in maturity. Lord, let us not to be misled but help us to put you first in all areas of our lives. We pray and ask this in your Son's holy name, Jesus Christ. 

Encouraged here?


Jane in Cumbria said...

Thank you! It is so refreshing to read about discernment in a Biblical way! God's people perish through lack of knowledge of His Word. May the Lord bless you!

JES said...

This very thing has been bothering me all week. Thank you for declaring it over the rooftops!

Natalie said...

Thank you for your insightful post. My children really love hearing your website music. They make me leave your page up so they can dance to it! (The 22 month old especially asks for it! She is ballroom dancing with her teddy bear as I'm typing!)

Anonymous said...

Great word sister!

Heidi Ann said...


Joy said...

Excellent post, June! I've been thinking the same thoughts recently. Many blessings to you!

Jenni Hunt said...

Excellent! Thank you for speaking TRUTH in a world that is so filled with muddled deception.

Sarah D. said...

Thank you for this reminder. My children love the music here, too. =)

Anonymous said...

Encouraging message except for the part where it says to ask or talk to your husband about it. My husband is saved but doesnt follow the Lord like he should. He's usually the one asking me the questions about the Lord and other things. Just makes it even harder when you're trying to serve the Lord and train your child to do the same when your husband doesnt do the same :(

Neboo's town said...

Wise words, and beautiful music. God bless you <3

Sarah Coller said...

This is so good! So many times, I think we say those things with good intentions, without even thinking about how they don't line up at all with Scripture. Regarding asking our husbands: I've never lived with an unsaved husband so I don't know first hand, but I would imagine that God would bless your obedience by speaking to you through your husband---even if he didn't realize that he was giving "God's answer". In addition to that, I believe there's no better way to build up a man than to trust him and show him that you have full confidence in him. Especially if, like "anonymous" above, he has knowledge of the Lord. Maybe he can be led to a closer relationship with God by seeing his wife's Godly example. I don't think we should ever step into that place of headship---whether our husbands are saved or not. I guess I'm getting off topic...ha!

Mrs. Sarah Coller

Unknown said...


DoRight said...

Iron sharpens iron. I recently received a loving rebuke from a strong Godly woman and her counsel is always priceless! I constantly need my sisters in Christ to spur me on and I'm honored to do the same for them. Thank you for a wonderful and timely post!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I am glad you included "Step 2: Ask Your Husband" because God has been dealing with me, personally, on this issue. I think, because I've asked Him (God) to help me do things (living life/rearing children/interacting with others) His (God's) way. These 4 steps follow God's principle of order, when it comes to trying to walk in paaths of righteousnous.

I appreciate Mrs. Coller's additional comments as well, as they are very much on target & topic.

I would consider myself stronger, spiritually speaking, than my husband. My husband is saved and goes to church regularly, but isn't as zealous as I used to heavily desire him to be. I used to feel very bothered that he didn't outwardly worship God in the same manner as I do; or boldly state his opinion about spiritual issues without being asked. But after 16 years of marriage and almost 40 yrs old, I think my thinking has matured a little, since I started to realize his personality is simply different. And since truly seeking to live out God's principles, I realize that my husband is a wise man when I allow him to have his rightful place in the decisionmaking in our home. (Although he is not seemingly as spiritual as I desire Him to be, he is a good man that doesn't abuse his God-given authority, which I know makes the difference in my situation.) For example, I have asked my husband his opinion of some issues at hand regarding our children, which points back to the question of "Who is it all about anyway, us or Jesus?"(husband travels all week, almost every week with his job, so because of ,this situation, I have to be even more careful not to step into the headship position), and sometimes I did not like his opinion on how I should handle certain issues, but admittedly, he's usually always right in the long run.

Don't mean to say too much here, but I guess I am trying to be a witness to the fact that following God's order, does reap blessings in our lives. If we can discipline ourselves to walk the path He has chosen, it will be harder for us to lose sight of His Kingdom.

Iris said...

I wanted to tell you I have so enjoyed visiting your site and posts on facebook, the music is one of my all time favorites. I will never tire of Canon in D..I also appreciate the gentleness of the pictures you choose to put up on your site, I was born in the wrong time I am certain with the exception I like modern plumbing internet accessibility and central heating, I love longer dresses and pretty shoes...So I am grateful to have been born when I can use the wonders of this century and can step back in time by my own choosing of what I read watch and listen too. I just noticed your button for Young Living oils and was pleased to even see that common interest. So Thank You for a site that is restful and challenging like today's was. Have a Blessed day.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


This has actually been on my mind for some time--I was sharing with some friends the other day that there was a book that came out that mocked and ridiculed biblical womanhood but was written by someone who said they were a Christian. It truly concerns me how much false information is out there and how other women might be led astray from the Gospel because of it. Of course, it is everywhere, but just felt I had to touch on it a bit. Maybe one day when I get time I could fully cover it in a post. We'll see!

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Awwww....how cute. I go back and forth all the time with the music. Some days I think it might be too loud and other days I take it down. Then I get emails from people who say they love it and I think that it needs to stay! :)

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Joy, thank for commenting. I really enjoy all the great photos you take at your blog, keep up the great work!

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Anonymous,

Don't grow weary but keep in your hope in Christ! That is all you can do and pray, pray, pray for your husband. The power of prayer is amazing and remember not give up. The Lord sees all that you do and knows your situation. Just keep obeying Him and trust Him with the future. We are praying for you! ((((hugs))))

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear DoRight,

I am grateful for women who speak into my life too. We all have blindspots and we grow when others speak to us in love. None of us have it together and we need the Lord to mature us in this journey with Him. I am also thankful for our sweet readers who make up such a loving community here---we are so blessed to have you all!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Jane,

Yes, I love it --" God's people perish through lack of knowledge of His Word"---so true! Thanks for sharing this truth with us today. It shine a light on all things, doesn't it?

Many blessings and thanks for visiting! :)

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Jenni,

Yes, sometimes you feel like there is SOOO much that it can be overwhelming. I often think " Will my children be able to discern all of this when they get older or will they fall prey like others have?" My trust in the Lord to guide them (trust me, I am teaching them too!) and my prayers are always for them to be know His Word first.

Amy Jung said...

Yes--the church in this country at least seems to be losing sight of the kingdom...or the truths of the kingdom. We are moving toward being us-centered vs. Christ-centered. These are scary times for our culture but...I do believe that prayer and renewal in our own lives will make an impact. Thanks for bringing awareness...

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the concept. Is there any way you could start using KJV when quoting scripture, please?

Jeanette / daughter of the God most high 💛 said...

Thank you! �� Everything you wrote is so True. We need to be reminded often that it is God's plan for us to be in this world, Not of it.
In The Beginning God created The Heavens and The Earth. Genesis 1 : 1.


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