Thursday, October 31, 2013

Reformation Unit Study

This post was from a former homeschooling blog that I used to own from 2009. Many of you still have asked to view this unit study up to this day so I thought I would post it here for you so you could access it. Enjoy!

I like to plan Unit studies into our school year and our first one this year was on the Reformation! We had loads of fun and learned a lot. Here are some things we did:

1. We went on a, book hunt at our library and found as many books and videos as we could on the subject.

2.We colored pictures, solved crosswords and wordsearches.

3. We researched and printed up valuable information online.

4. We watched an insightful PBS special that narrated the life of Martin Luther.

5. We had spelling and vocabulary words that included words like indulgences, Protestantism, martyr, recant

6. We learned the Five Sola's of the Reformation, what the Diet of Worms were (my children just loved this) and what a papal bull was.

7. We used timelines to do math.

8. We had a creative writing assignment on what the Reformation was about, what they liked about it and how they would change the world in the spirit of 'Semper Reformanda' which in Latin means 'always reforming' the cry of the Reformers.

9. We chose who we wanted to be for a Reformation celebration we are attending.

10. We created lapbooks. This involved all the cutting, gluing, taping, tracing, handwriting practice, art and creativity that we could muster.

Here are some of our pictures (click on them to enlarge):

This was the cover for most of the lapbooks.

When you open them they had extra pages that could fold out

Coloring map of Europe

The Cry of the Reformers: Hidden inside this square is----Semper Reformanda!

Mini books made about Martin Luther's life

Facts about Katharina Von Bora Luther in a circle that folds open

We pasted 'A Mighty Fortress is Our God' inside this fold out, we sang the song and had it playing while working on these books

Here are the Five Sola's

Look inside for the indulgences

We printed indulgences off the internet and stuck them in this envelope

All of this studying led us to desiring to celebrate this wonderful event in history as a tradition in our home annually as a Reformation Celebration. Click here to read about how we are going to remember this event. We will also be spending the rest of our week preparing our costumes for a Reformation Faire, and we have all already handpicked a reformer that we will be dressing up as.

Have you studied the Reformation?  Do you have any special books, movies or traditions to share?

Encouraged here?


Kirsty said...

This is great thank you. We are having our very first Reformation Day service at church tonight and are very excited. We live in the UK and have never heard anyone else celebrate Reformation Day.

Unknown said...

this is awesome!!! i love that you included the 5 solas! blessings, janiene

Denise said...

Where did you find the "Indulgences" to print off, please? My son and I are making a lapbook (inspired by yours) to share with our Junior Church! So happy to have found your blog via Pinterest! :)

Anonymous said...

One of the best church events I have EVER gone to was a Reformation Fest. It was so beautifully and thoroughly done. Almost the entire church was re-decorated to look like that time period, the pastor and his wife were Luther and Katharina (she wore an amazing dress, and I felt like it was a professional production, even though it was made for the kids!

This study sounds wonderful! Thank you for sharing, June!


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