Monday, August 19, 2013

Knowing the State of Your Flocks

Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and attend to your herds. Prov. 27:23

As mothers, we have little “flocks” of children that we are to diligently tend to. We must be relentless in pursuing their hearts as we determine the state of their young souls. Loving them well takes hard work and perseverance sometimes.

We must make the most of our opportunities to train, disciple and love our children, for the glory of God. The window of opportunity is small, and our desire is for them to grow into sharp arrows that reach further than we can go, and touch people we’ll never reach. This takes time. It takes sacrifice.

There are those exhausting days that I think I have no more left to give. Then God proves otherwise. He fills the bucket of my soul that is running dry, so that I have a replenished supply of devotion, tenderness and love to give my children the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that…

But there is a price for love of this kind, shared between mother and children.  There is expense that comes with living out this love and it has nothing to do with dollars.

The price-tag may be your sleep. Your time. Your energy and creativity and it may leave you exhausted by the end of the day.

But weary not. Run to your strong tower and collapse into his arms as you meditate on His Word. He is most glorified in your weakness and He will equip you with moment by moment grace to run your race well, as you love your children in His Name.

-A simultaneous Saint and sinner, Bambi was saved by grace through faith. She’s a helpmeet to her high school sweetheart and together they are sharpening eight arrows for the glory of God. Bambi spends her days homeschooling, cleaning up messes (external and internal), changing diapers, kissing boo-boos, reading books, and a million other duties she wouldn’t trade for the world. Bambi loves being a keeper at home and shares about her journey of grace in marriage, motherhood and family discipleship on her blog In the Nursery of the Nation. She is passionate about encouraging younger women to depend on Christ alone for their salvation, sanctification and to depend on His Word for the strength and wisdom required for marriage and motherhood.


Waldo and Mama said...

Recently I found out I did not tend to the older part of my flock well enough. It broke my heart. I now have a younger portion of flock and find myself much more diligent. Your words ring so true. Thank you for posting this.

Unknown said...

I am so grateful for this today it encouraged me in so many ways it is so difficult to press to do what you know is best for your children when you are surrounded by those whose values views beliefs and methods are different from my own Thank u

Nicki said...

As I read this I was saying YES! YES! and then I got to the bottom and saw that my sweet friend Bambi wrote it! : )

The How- To Guru said...

Lovely reminder today!
Thank you and bless both of you ladies and your homes.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Yes, we are so pleased to have Bambi on board as one of our contributors-she is definitely a blessing! :)

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Persevere, Laterica, we are praying for you!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Don't give up, Jill, there is always hope with the Lord. Your love, grace, and influence are important. Keep praying for them and guiding them when you can and don't grow weary!

Rachael @ Inking the Heart said...

Loving my children well was my goal when I decided to face my own issues head on. Going through that painful process of healing has allowed me to receive love from the Lord so I have something to give to my kids, a truly loved and loving mom. Beautiful post! Blessings to you! Love, Rachael @ Inking the Heart


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