Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Homeschooling Day by Day


Dear Homeschooling Mother,

I know you might be tired and looking for some real answers to some of your questions. I know that you experience long days that are full of sacrifice, and giving, and sometimes even tears! It is so easy to get our vision on the wrong things down this road of homeschooling when we really just need to keep our eye on the prize--the end goal. I am so grateful for a gracious Savior who continually walks beside me and guides me as I homeschool 8 children over the last 16+ years.

And now there are a few women, 11 mothers who can relate,  who would also like to lend a hand at encouraging you and helping to see you through the end and they have come together to help bring some needed encouragement that will help keep you on your journey.

Kristy Howard (a pastor's wife and mom of five) along with some of your favorite bloggers (Jacinda Vanderberg, Sara Elizabeth Dunn, Bambi Moore, and more) come together to bring you the wonderfully encouraging eBook entitled, Homeschooling Day by Day. 

Here is a peek at the table of contents:

Part One: The Heart Of Homeschooling

1} The Worst Homeschool Year Ever
2} Debunking Super Mom
3} Homeschooling Heroism
4} How Pride Hurts Homeschoolers
5} Facing The Mirrors
6} Your Greatest Critic
7} Teaching Without Words
8} Embracing The “Want To”
9} The Most Important “R”
10} God's Word: The Heart Of Home Education

Part Two: Challenges Of Homeschooling

11} On Getting It All Done
12} Can I Homeschool For Free?
13} Homeschooling & Dyslexia
14} Homeschooling A Child On The Autism Spectrum
15} Homeschooling The Strong-Willed Child
16} Homeschooling & Working From Home
17} Homeschooling While Working A Full Time Job

Part Three: Seasons Of Homeschooling 

18} Balancing Multiple Ages
19} Homeschooling Teenagers
20} Preschoolers: Q&A
21} Obedience Training
22} Seasons Of Survival

Part Four: Homeschooling Foundations 

23} Traditional Homeschooling
24} The Classical Method Of Homeschooling
25} The Unit Study Method
26} The Charlotte Mason Method
27} Eclectic Homeschooling
28} Other Homeschooling Methods
29} Learning Styles
30} Covering All The Bases
31} Making Homeschool Fun
32} Six Ways To Simplify Curriculum

Part Five: Tools For Successful Homeschooling

33} Keeping First Things First
34} Steps To Prioritizing
35} Mama's Schedule Fiasco
36} Building A Homeschool Routine That Works For You
37} Menu Planning Helps
38} How To Create Lesson Plans
39} Creating & Working Toward Goals
40} What It All Looks Like In Reality

A quick description of what else is included:

"Throughout the forty chapters of this ebook, we’ll tackle the topics of homeschooling methods, learning styles,homeschooling kids with learning disabilities, homeschooling teenagers, preschoolers, and how to juggle multiple ages, dealing with insecurity and criticism as a homeschool mom, how to handle bad attitudes, expectations, hands on help for lesson planning, keeping up with housework, meals, and so much more!"

Here is what people are saying:

Homeschooling Day by Day is an outpouring of Godly encouragement that will sustain you on the dry and weary days.The wisdom in this book will also lead you to the mountain top of great joy in living each day with and for your beautiful children.”


- Jamerrill Stewart, Holy Spirit Led Homeschooling

If you are looking for a book to refresh you and get you refocused, I definitely recommend Homeschooling Day by Day!

You can find this eBook at Amazon.

Have a blessed day building up strong homes for the Lord!

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