Saturday, August 17, 2013

Homeschool Planning: Being Overwhelmed, Teaching Helps, and Art Ideas

I wanted to do a quick roundup of some homeschooling posts that I think might be an encouragement to you as summer dies down and the school year starts up. I know that we are all praying for a good year and asking the Lord to continually guide us in all decision making, curriculum planning, teaching and so forth.

With that I'd like to share Amy's post The Teaching of a Mother:

 She writes:

"The new school year has started.  Perhaps you are overwhelmed with it already.  As a homeschool mom, it is a weighty matter you have undertaken.  The burden you strap to your back every morning feels heavier as the weeks and months of the school year progress.  You may even wonder why you chose this burden of all things."  

You can read the rest HERE.

Then I found a new Pinterest board that might be of help to you as you plan out the year called Teachers on Pinterest:

It categorizes the elementary grades with helpful ideas for teaching that I am sure that many of you moms will find useful! You can also check out my personal Homeschooling Pinterest board for a peek of some things we have done in the past year and loads of fun ideas we'd like to try in the future too.

And I also really enjoyed Sherry's (mom to 15) post about Art in the homeschool. She brings it back to the basics and reminds us of the simple wonder of exploring drawing and sketching. I am definitely going to implement more of this for our school year. Several of my children just adore drawing and spent much of the summer even making illustrated homemade books because they liked it so much.

We like to do a Friday Fun Day--oftentimes doing a craft, or library visit, play educational board games or something of that nature. We also spend time typing, doing music, and more. Sherry reminds us not to get overwhelmed with it all and to keep it simple. Which is definitely going to be my mantra for the year! You can find her post HERE.

And finally, don't forget to enter to win over $1000 in prizes (including an iPad Mini) at our Back to Homeschool Giveaway before it ends!

Do you homeschool? What are some new ideas that you'll be implementing this year?

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Tonya said...

Thanks for sharing the great ideas!! I have a blog where I give weekly art lessons. I try to make them interesting for kids and adults alike. I am making verse coloring pages that can be printed up and made into memory coloring books. I am finishing up the Ten Commandments now and hope to start posting them in the next week or so. I plan to have coloring contests for kids starting up during this school year using the verse pages to try to get verses into their hands and hearts. Just something God has put on my heart to do. :)

Jennifer said...

Thanks for these ideas! I was not blessed with children of my own, but I like to support my homeschooling friends by offering to teach English composition, literature, creative writing, and French. Some parents prefer not to tackle those subjects on their own. :)


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