Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Guarding the Heart

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Proverbs 4:23

The heart is deceitfully wicked (Jeremiah 17:9) and we can be drawn away so easily.

Whether it be fame, success, accomplishments, we can easily get off the path of righteousness and find ourselves unwittingly on the highroad of idolatry. No one is exempt.

I recently heard a sermon that was full of wisdom and here is what I went away with:

When your desire for the world increases your desire for the Lord DECREASES.

And when your desire for the world decreases your desire for the Lord INCREASES.

The pastor reminded us that Satan REPACKAGES the same old subtle and destructive tricks from the Garden of Eden, the same ones he used against Jesus (Matthew 4), against us today but just looks different:

The lust of the eyes--he plays mental games on us, wants us to desire materialism such as new cars, homes, promotions, etc.

The lust of the flesh-physical desires that are distorted by the enemy (ex: food is a physical desire but we sin when we overeat)

The pride of life--the boasting of what we have or what we have done

Satan uses this to try to suck you in and destroy your spiritual life. 

We must remember "that worldly things will pass away but the man who does the will of God lives forever." ( I John 2:17)

Where is your heart today?

Is your heart straying?

Do all it takes to draw it back to the Lord.

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Barbara said...

That is a wonderful devotional, thank you sister for your outlook on this subject, be blessed, and be a blessing.

Danielle said...

Such a wonderful reminder-thank you

www.munahscupcale.com said...

Great post, thak you.


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