Monday, May 7, 2012

Are You Majoring in the Minors?

A Titus 2 woman once shared with a young new Christian mom to never "major in the minors" in the use of her time and encouraged her to use it well-not frivolously, studying the Bible, in prayer, memorizing, etc.

I agree. I also think this wise advice can be also be used to many other important areas of life as well. For example:

  • Am I focused on the petty things in my marriage that might irritate me and allowing them to control how I behave towards my husband?
    • Am I always upset about not being able to control my outward circumstances (lacking joy, murmuring, etc.)?
    • Am I focused on the small everyday nuances of life and not seeing the big picture of what Christ has put before me?
    • Am I overly sensitive towards others and the things they say towards me- allowing them to fester roots of unforgiveness or bitterness in my life?
    •  Am I too focused on controlling the outward behavior of my children and not dealing with the heart issues?
      • Am I focused on the sins of another person instead of seeing what the Lord might be trying to do in their life and mine?

      Christian woman have a powerful influence where ever they go, whether they like it or not. Oftentimes majoring in the minors can be energy sapping, time-draining, and potentially dragging us off the path of righteous into the path of sin.

      Christian women need be a light to this dark world around us, but we can hindered in our efforts if we are focused upon the petty, the unimportant, the "little foxes", and the like. Precious friends, ask the Lord to open your eyes to areas in your life where you might be "majoring in the minors" and do what it takes to change it today.

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      Unknown said...

      Very true! Thanks for the encouraging reminder!

      Rocky Mountain Homemaker said...

      Wonderful post. Thanks so much!

      June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

      Chantel and RMH,

      Your welcome!

      Many blessings...

      Unknown said...

      So true. It is so easy to get caught up in the little things! Thanks for the reminder.

      Barbara said...

      Good post, and we so need to take care of the minors, they will be grown before we realize it, and what we teach them now will show then.

      Debbie said...

      Thank you, we have had so many majors for the last ten years. Coming out of it has been hard, but God's grace is helping us come slowly out on the other side.


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