Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Raising a Daughter After God's Own Heart

In my early days of being a new Christian mom I was hungry for God's truth and looked for someone to mentor me. The Lord did bring a "real life" mentor into my life who diligently taught me the basics (God is good) and He also brought mentors via books.

One of my favorite books that I got to read when I was a new Christian was A Woman After God's Own Heart and wonderful book that really helped me to lay a firm foundation in biblical womanhood. I went on to read voraciously her many other books such as A Woman's High Calling (still a favorite), Life Management for Busy Woman and many more. Now my latest read that sits on my nightstand from her is this one:

Elizabeth is a powerful author in that her love and gentleness and gift for teaching really oozes out of every page.  She teaches in depth how we must be the example to our daughters of a godly and do our part in raising them, however hard that might be. She gives all kinds of wonderful examples with chapters that include topics such as:

The Prayer Warrior
The Sower of Seed
The Heart of a Sower
The Word of a Sower
Gearing Up for Battle
The Homebuilder
The Teacher 
The Model
The Mentor
The Cheerleader
The Coach
The Shepherd

and more!

Parenting is a tough job and raising daughters and sons to know the Lord is a high calling.  It is great to have wonderful Titus 2 guides to lovingly help us along the way. You can find this wholeheartedly encouraging book right HERE.

Have a blessed day building up your sacred homes!


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Sarah said...

I love Elizabeth George! Her books are full of wisdom! One of my favorites is A Mom After God's Own Heart.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Sarah,

I love her too--I haven't read the one you mentioned yet, but look forward to one day!

Many blessings...

Rachel said...

Agreed, Elizabeth George's "A Woman After God's Own Heart" really changed me as a young wife! It was so influential. I'll have to pick this title up soon. I heard her speak at a conference two years ago and she shared that this was the project she was working on at the time. Exciting to see it in print!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


I'd love to hear her speak one day. Yes, that book was quite instrumental in my life as well. So grateful for godly woman who take the time to be an example to us women, SO needed in the culture we live in today!

Many blessings...

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

There is a gift edition of 'A Woman after God's Own Heart' with beautiful illustrations from paintings by Donny Finley and reflections full of wisdom from the book. I thought it might make a lovely gift for someone but could not resist keeping it myself! I still need those reminders to be a woman after God's own heart.

Anonymous said...

I have been meaning to ask you if you are the one that wrote once quite awhile ago about your son coming running home from a neighbor boy's house after the neighbor had asked him to do something impure with him. If it was you, you had recommended a book about how to talk to you kids about sexuality after that article and I would really like to get that book. If not, sorry! I will keep searching. My e-mail if you choose to respond is hannahoberbeck@hotmail.com

JustForDaisy said...

I also have a HUGE collection of Elizabeth George books, journals and study guides. She is an excellent author. Will have to look out for this one on raising Godly daughters! :) Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

I actually bought George's book, "A Woman After God's Heart" for each of my grown daughters and my daughter-in-law a few Christmases ago, since it meant so much to me!


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