Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year Success Defined and Wise Woman Link-Up

Many of us define success differently.

This new year I want you to think about what defines success for you.

For some it might be big bold dreams.

And for others it is achieving simplicity in life.

To love better.

Serve others.

Live joyfully in the dance of life.


Taking baby steps.

Creating a haven and refuge for those we love.

Being still and listening.

Relishing the moment.

Cultivating gentleness and peace.

Sitting at the feet of the Father.

Growing in kindness.

Helping those in need.

Patience- taking it day by day with the children.

Giving grace abundantly (and still giving it again).

Building up instead of tear down.

Bring life and healing.

Valuing time with the children and being available for them.

Sharing Him more...

Whatever you do, don't let others define success for you.

The Lord has made each one of us unique and today is the day to slow down enough to listen to what He is speaking to your heart. His definition of success for you and not the worlds.

And take it day by day!

Now we'd love to hear from you and have you join our link-up:

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home is a place to be encouraged in your high and noble calling of role of wife and mother and daughter to the King and we want to encourage each and every single reader out there to build up strong Christian homes to the glory of God.

If you have a post you would like to share regarding the topic above or that has to do with  building up your home, homemaking, character, hospitality, femininity, family, tea, New Years goals, etc. we would love to have you share it with us!

When you link up here please use the image below to let others know that you have linked up here so that they might join in the fun and be encouraged as well:

(It's easy--just copy and paste the code in this box!)


Are you encouraged here? I personally invite you to subscribe and get the latest posts sent to your inbox. Also, connect with us on Facebook and Twitter and get updates that are not posted here on the blog.

We are linked at Far Above Rubies, Raising Homemakers,
Deep Roots at Home


Amy said...

I love your vision of New Year's success. So encouraging, and it focuses on what really matters!

Nicole said...

It's easy and tempting to feel intense pressure - especially where I live- to focus on all of the outward trappings of "success." I read this blog because it brings me back to what the Lord asks of me. I feel sane again.
God bless you this new year!

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

I'm linking up for the first time. I'm link #48 and 49...the first one is messed up because I couldn't get the photo. Is there a way to erase that one, and just keep the good one with the thumbnail photo? Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather ;)

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Heather,

It's fixed!

Many blessings...

Jacqueline @ said...

Late night greetings, June! I have always loved to link-up. LOL Thanks for hosting! Alsos, I have a similar list of things that spell success for me. It is good to read some of them again...Blessings to you and your household in the Lord!

Gayle said...

What a gracious blog, I love it! I linked up with you today.
Gayle from Behind the Gate

Jacqueline @ said...

Wow! I see you linked up your post! When I commented earlier, I hadn't looked at them yet. Thank you for gracing the link-up and edifying us with your wisdom!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, but the little floaty things distract me and I can't focus... sorry:(

Rina Peru said...

Thank you for hosting, Mrs. June Fuentes! I linked up 4 of my latest articles. I pray they will be a blessing to your readers.

Rina @ Healing Moments


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