The mother is designed by God to be a source of great blessing to her husband and children; she is to be the "very soul of the house." And mothers underestimate the power in their hands to bring their families great good.
-Nancy Wilson, Building Her House
We love sharing about blessed motherhood here on the blog, it is one of our passions! I remember as a young mom starting out and having no one to talk to and no where to go for guidance. The days felt long and no one had told me that motherhood was supposed to be a blessing.Thankfully I got saved early on and that changed my entire world around.
I heard little on motherhood in the church. Maybe a snippet here or there but not enough. Not what I was looking for or needed. What a blessing it was to eventually find good material on motherhood to help encourage, guide and direct me.
Many of us have goals for how we will mother in 2012 and some of it may look like this:
- spend more time with my chidren
- be more patient
- be "in the moment"
- enjoy mothering
- read more to my children
- training children and being consistent
Now I don't want any of you to get overwhelmed, really it is just taking it day by day and minute by minute, remember not to follow what others would have you do, but what the Lord would like you to do that measures true success.
We would also love to help you---today we are having our ebook True Christian Motherhood on sale to help you get focused in the new year. For just $5 you will get guidance, encouragement, vision and support and that is PRICELESS!
(Watch the trailer HERE)
Here is what others have said:
"I downloaded my copy yesterday and read the first few chapters. There was just one word which popped into my mind as I read - this is not just helpful and encouraging this is 'powerful'. I pray that the words that the Lord has given you will give those that read hope and a renewed vision for the role of motherhood and all that God intended it to be. When God is moving the church tends to point to crusades and short lived 'movements' but fails to see what is happening in homes across the world as the hearts of mothers are revived and fathers' hearts are turned to their children - as Angus Buchan, a man who preaches to thousands, once said 'Revival begins at kitchen door.'
Thank you June - I believe your book will not just be read, printed off and set aside but with God's help be lived out and be part of that kitchen door revival." -Ann, Austrailia
"This book is not for religious perfectionists, nor is it a "homeschoolers-only" book. It is written for all of us mortal, flawed sinners. But it doesn't leave us there. It encourages us to reach out for a little bit of heaven on earth, and a part of that occupancy that Jesus spoke to us about—God's Kingdom coming to earth into our homes and personal sphere of influence.
I wish that each of my readers could have a copy of this work —the fruit from that would be incalculable. She shares wonderful and practical insights to mothering and motherhood." -Mother of 15 blessings, Large Family Mothering
I wish that each of my readers could have a copy of this work —the fruit from that would be incalculable. She shares wonderful and practical insights to mothering and motherhood." -Mother of 15 blessings, Large Family Mothering

(for instant digital download right onto your computer)
If you don't have a Kindle you can get it free for PC here.
Have a blessed year mothering in 2012!
Important Note!
If you have been blessed by True Christian Motherhood, did you know you can earn money by becoming an affiliate? Read more here.
Also, are you a blogger with a readership of at least 50 who would like to do a review and giveaway? Just contact me at
Important Note!
If you have been blessed by True Christian Motherhood, did you know you can earn money by becoming an affiliate? Read more here.
Also, are you a blogger with a readership of at least 50 who would like to do a review and giveaway? Just contact me at
I love the topic of purposeful mothering, and blogged about it today too as well!! :)
It's definitely a goal of mine to be a more Christ-like mom this year. Thanks for the reminder today.
Thanks for bringing my attention to this book! I can't wait to get it on my nook!
I just tried to order the book, but nothing is coming up with the sale price - the kindle version says it is still $7 - any advice? Thanks so much - can't wait to read it!
Great topic! I find the mothers I meet who enjoy motherhood the most are the ones who have friends to enjoy it with :-) *Enjoying* is like opening the secret doorway to start learning some of those hidden things about mothering, from other mothers, that we didn't have the key to before we looked to each other. We can't do it alone--well, we could, but it's pretty lonely that way.
I know that I am happiest and at my best for my children and husband when I have been in the company of other friendly women who are also in the mothering stage of life. Not that I depend on them for everything, but that it's so needed to have that boost of being in another mother's company for even a short moment of time, to smile, to commiserate, to cheer each other.
With that in mind, my goal this year is to reach out more often and make time for conversation and enjoying the company of other mothers--not an easy task when we are all so consumed (rightfully so) with each of our family's lives.
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