Tuesday, January 3, 2012

On the Raising of Sons

Sons run on respect just like their fathers, and it is important that they not only see their fathers respected, but they must receive respect in the home as well. It will look different from the respect that the head of the house receives, but sons need to be praised and admired for their achievements and accomplishments just like Dad.

This means mothers treat their sons with courtesy and sister are taught to treat their brothers the same way. Courtesy excludes scolding, running down, picking on, or criticizing. Mothers should not share their son's weaknesses, failures, or sins any more than they should share their husband's. Rather, they should seek to build them up, encourage them, and praise them for their good work.

--from the chapter Mother and Sons,
Building Her House by Nancy Wilson


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Michelle said...

Agreed! Thank you for the reminder, June!

Far Above Rubies said...

Excellent. I agree - thanks for the reminder.

Gail @ The Imperfect Housewife said...

I agree as well. I think I needed to read this today. Even though my children are still quite young, my oldest (girl) definitely picks on her brother. She can wrestle him down! (She's a tough cookie!) After reading this, I have new perspective on how my daughters (and myself!) need to treat my sons. Thank you for sharing Miss June.

Stacie said...

Exactly!! I think this is so important. . .the area I need to work on his conveying this message to my daughters. My sons are the youngest of my children (so far) and so they often take on the "I'm older so I know more" attitude. Thanks for this post!

Finding Joy said...

I think whilst both boys and girls deserve respect, they still need to be scolded if they have done something wrong, otherwise we end up with little "princes". Also as a sister of three brothers, we wrestled, disagreed and carried on as any sibling does - and I have to say that these are great memories to look back on - we had loads of fun!! They teased me and I teased them - lets not be too precious - boys are tough and like to be boys.

Bethany Hudson said...

I think I see where she is going with this (and I agree that her advice is wholly sound), but shouldn't parents and brothers also treat the girls in the family the same way? Courtesy shows compassion as much as respect, and all human beings deserve it, regardless of gender or age.

Don't get me wrong; I do think that males and females are different--but this particular advice seems that it ought to bridge the gap.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Bethany,

This is only a small excerpt of what she has to say on a chapter of mothers and sons, I do believe she believes the same vice versa as well.

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Joluise,

I wholeheartedly agree, and what she probably means by scolding here is overdoing the pointing out of sin.

If you have ever read any of their books you would know they do not stand for molly-coddling and believe in training up boys to be "real men". Remember that this is just a small glimpse of an entire chapter covering her thoughts in an entire book.

Her husband has also written a great book called "Future Men" and I can wholeheartedly assure you, they are no where close to approving of raising "little princes"!

Many blessings...

Miranda said...

Love Nancy's stuff. Is this a re-write of Praise Her in the Gates?

I also think as mothers we need to be very careful and not share too much with others about our sons faults right from young age in order to repect them. The same way you would not trash your husband.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Absolutely!!! I have seven sons and have found out (the HARD way) that this is SOOO very true!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


No, it is not a rewrite but very similar feel to Praise Her in the Gates. However, it feels like the chapters are shorter so alot easier to read and get through if you are a busy mom!

Many blessings...


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