Monday, January 16, 2012

A Home for the Homeless

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress 
and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
--James 1:27

One of the things I really want to do this year is showcase different ministries to get the word out here of different needs and how we can all help in some small way. One ministry I wanted to share was

for adoption that apparently allows you to adopt children for free and give you a listing by state of every child that needs to be adopted (just click Meet the Children on the site to view the many children who need a home). I read through some of the children's profiles and it was really hard to hold back the tears.

On the subject of adoption, I also wanted to share a story of a Christian family who is currently trying to raise money to bring their daughter, Kayla Joy, home. They are having a fundraiser along with Paula Ramm of Lilla Rose AND a wonderful giveaway full of beautiful things to win.

There are several ways to help out this family--you can donate, spread the word by sharing on Facebook, blog about it, tweet, email, about this, enter the giveaway, etc., please consider and be prayerful about how you can help in some small way.

Also be sure to grab their button and put it on your site:

Goodness & Grace

 Please share this post using the social buttons below so we can get the word out
remember it takes one person to help change the world.

Let's bring this daughter home!

THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts and

have a blessed day!


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String Bean Jean said...

It's so wonderful the work you are doing! I will tell some of my friends about this link if they're interested and pray for your ministry.

Anonymous said...

I'm putting the button on in a minute! God bless, Ann


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