Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Learn to Make Money Blogging in 2012


I love the New Year.

It is a time for fresh starts.

It is a time for all things NEW.

Amazing things have happened here on the blog and one of them was learning how to make money to help my family by bringing in some supplemental income. We have 8 children and it is *such* a blessing, I cannot even begin to tell you.

This past month we made six times more than we did the previous December--God allowed us to earn over $3000 in just one month. I hesitated to share here, not wanting to seem as if I were boasting (we only boast in the Lord) at all as it is easy to get that impression when you can't hear the tone our voice of a person through their writings--but it is the truth, we couldn't believe it ourselves! When I asked good friends their opinion on sharing this information they told me I definitely should share it so that people so that people would really know what the possibilities are to be made blogging. The truth is, there are bloggers out there making even more than me! Some make a six digit income a month!

I had always thought you needed the "right connections" etc. to be able to do it, but you really don't. I am now teaching women all over the globe how to make money blogging and would love to teach you too! Will 2012 be the year you start earning some part-time income from your blog?

Is your blog making what it could?

Could you help to bring in money from the comfort of your home while doing something you enjoy?

Are you daily blogging away with little traffic, growing discouraged, not earning a dime and ready to throw in the towel with the whole thing?

If you have thought of any of the above, I would love to consult with you!

My heart is to see moms being able to help moms make money at home. I know that especially in these challenging times with the economy not looking good that this information can be very helpful so I would love to help everyone to be able to do the same.

My normal fee is $100 but I am having a sale now for just $85
(everyone keeps asking when the next sale is, so here it is!)

Services will include:

-personal critique of your blog/or how to start one
-how to build/grow traffic to your blog
-1 personal phone consultation
-how to advertise and do giveaways
-how to charge advertisers and rates samples
-private consulting through email, instant messaging or phone (optional)
-access the private site for my personal notes 
-other ways to earn income through your blog
-1 week worth of corresponding via email after phone consultation to help answer any extra questions
-valuable tips and resources
-and much more!

If you are interested you can contact me at: wisewomanconsulting@gmail.com or leave a comment with your email address below. Or checkout here:

Buy Now

I am also offering payment options so if you would like to pay half now  ($45)) and half later ($40), whenever you can before our phone consultation) you are more than welcomed to, just contact me and I will send you an invoice.

Here is what a satisfied client had to say:

"Mrs. Fuentes gave me clear and precise instructions on how to advertise on my blog.  The information she shared with me is invaluable.  Since implementing a few simple tips, my blog traffic has increased by 50%. Mrs. Fuentes consulted with me via telephone and email.  The services I received was well worth the money I paid.  By the end of our time together, I knew exactly what to do to begin advertising. I highly recommend Wise Woman Consulting to any woman looking to work from home.  It is hard work, but effort and diligence will pay off in the end.  Wise Woman has successfully proven that making money from your blog is profitable and rewarding."

-  Mrs. Jasmine Cucuta, Far Above Rubies

Note: After a few short weeks, Mrs. Cucuta has already begun successfully advertising as well! 

Read more testimonials here. 

I would love to consult with you!

If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them!

(Sale ends 1/18 at midnight)


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Kirkskornerathome said...

I am very interested and I am uneducated in the realm. My Blog is kirkskornerathome@comcast.net. And my email is kirkskorner@comcast.net. Please let me know! I just bought a nice camera for picture taking. Pam

Jerica said...

I am interested as well!
my email is: noblewomen4christ@gmail.com
my site is:

Country Mama said...

Wish I could, but can't even afford the consulting fee.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Pam,

Thank you for contacting us and for payment! We just sent out our welcome letter and looking forward to consulting with you!

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Jerica,

Thank you for contacting us, we just sent out a private email to you!

Many blessings...

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear April,

We *might* have a sale around tax time--just wanted to give you a heads up if that might be a possibility for you!

Many blessings...

addietx said...

I love your blog very much. It has convicted me many times. Thank you for your desire to see women surrendered to be the wife and mother God intended for them. Did your blog have music? I can't remember if it was this site or not. I am trying to find the playlist. There was Canon in D and other music. If it was not your site please excuse me.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear AddieTX,

Yes, my blog has music--thank you for reminding me to put it back up! Sometimes I take it off to make it easier for readers to view a new video I have posted. I just put it back up now. Canon in D has been the blog's theme song for several years now and we just changed it several months ago but it is still on the playlist.

Many blessings...

Janelle@GraceTags said...

Congratulations on your financial success in blogging. It's not always an easy thing to do. It sounds like you'll be providing some services that you really enjoy doing - again, congrats. Doing what you love while helping others is a great spot to be in.

Tammy Shineldecker said...

I would like to do the payment option before this sale ends if possible. Please contact me at tammyshineldecker@sbcglobal.net

Thank you,

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Tammy,

Thank you for contacting us. I just sent you an email. I look forward to consulting with you!

Have a blessed day!

jjpieczonka said...

I would like to have a consultation, but I would need to split the payment. My email is jjpieczonka@yahoo.com. My blog was originally started for friends and family and especially my deployed husband to see what we were up to, but now I would like to take it in a new direction. My blog is http://jjpieczonka.blogspot.com/I look forward to hearing from you.

Jennifer said...

Interested here too June. I'm posting this comment, then talking to my husband before midnight! :)

Naomi said...

Dear June...I did send you an email earlier today of my interest in your help. Just popping in here to let you know that in case the email didn't make it. Sadie78911@aol.com

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Naomi,

I already emailed you!

Dear Jennifer,

I am going to email you right now.

I look forward to consulting with both of you!

Many blessings...

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

I'll save my money, because I think this could be a valuable service. I'm not a mom, nor married...BUT I do want to stay home and take care of my dad and I've always wanted to work from home, anyway. My dad's heart stopped two weeks ago...and it's such a miracle. He survived...and he's at the VA getting some much needed intensive therapy..but while all this happened, it really just made me want to really figure out a way to work from home, so that I can be there for my father, if he needs me. I'm going to bookmark this post, so I can refer to it, when I'm ready to try your service. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

I am very interested in making money blogging. It is something that I have thought about for a long time but never taken the leap. You have such a beautiful site and would love to learn from you. Right now every little bit of $$ is necessary. I am putting my hope in you. I know it is probably past midnight in your time zone, but not in Hawaii yet. :) Contact me at mayorolson@gmail.com to arrange payment. I will need to split it in two.

Anonymous said...

Looks like i missed the sale deadline. Please let me know when you have another one.

Far Above Rubies said...

I can't say enough about Mrs. Fuentes expertise in this area.

Definitely worth implementing all her valuable tips and information.



Anonymous said...

June, I spoke to my husband about this the other day, and he was supportive of this type of consulting. Right now, my blog is changing focus so I need to wait a bit until I build it up some more.

There is one thing, though, that is very perplexing to me as to how you could make so much money. I only see a few advertisements on the sidebar and I looked at your prices. The math just isn't adding up!

How is this possible? I'm not criticizing. You know I love you and your blog! I am just a bit baffled! I thought for sure that I would have to provide much more space on my blog for advertising!

Perhaps this is your consulting trade secret?!:)


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