Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Gifts I'm NOT Buying

I don't get out into the stores much these days but you can imagine my surprise as I stumbled across these toys:

I saw this one in a sales flyer while at home. If you click on the image you can see that she has fangs like a vampire. I promptly showed it to my daughter who was sitting next to me and said "Did you see this new toy for girls?" and she looked and said "I've seen that before, it's everywhere."

Everywhere? Where have I been? You mean this is what they are selling to our children in the doll section nowadays?????

When I did a quick Google search I found that this line of dolls made it to several Top 10 Hottest Christmas Toys for 2011 online. I even found video of tiny little girls putting on makeup and trying to be like them.

While I looked further down the list I saw Harry Potter items-which won't make it into our home, nor movie tickets to see the latest Twilight movie: Breaking Dawn.

Later today, while on Facebook I also stumbled upon someone sharing this image of a Christmas toy:

Yes, I was infuriated. I had heard in the past about classes teaching girls pole dancing and now they have a doll. Really---I am afraid of what they'll think of next. 

Some popular clothing to also avoid would be writing across the bottom of clothing of pants saying things like "juicy", "sexy", etc. As parents we need to think twice before buying just anything for our daughters, I have seen this on really, really young girls in the past and this sends the wrong message to men and to the daughters themselves.

I am not writing this because I am self-righteous---because I am a sinner myself and by grace I have been saved. I have made a lot of mistakes in the past (still do) and I really wish someone would have taken the time to lovingly say something.

But instead, I am writing this because I am sad AND I am mad.

I do not want other children, or mine, exposed to this but I know this world is becoming increasingly evil. I know that I won't probably be able to even fathom what my grandchildren will be up against in their generation. We need to be purposeful and wise about what we give and don't give our children. We need to think long-term about the choices we make today affecting generations tomorrow.

I am also sad because I know that people need Jesus (like me). Badly (like me). Which is why we need to commit ourselves to sharing Him even MORE with vigilance and compassion.

I'm mad because Satan is getting his way with our children and we are allowing it. When did we leave our posts? When did we stop noticing? When did we stop caring? My heart hurts as I think about this, but I know that in the end he does not get the victory.

Christ does. 

So until then, I will keep praying.

I will keep teaching. 

I will keep training. 

I will keep writing 

and FLOOD this world online and off 

with Christian influence the best I know how.

Ladies, are you with me?


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Heather said...

I saw that first doll in a sales flyer a couple weeks ago. It's so sad. Girls used to be happy with sweet dolls and now they probably think baby dolls and such are only for toddlers so they make these horrible dolls now. I cannot believe the second doll....how horrible. :( I think it is sad that parent's don't even understand the message they are sending when they buy these things or let their daughters wear those clothes with the words on the back of the pants. If I even have a daughter I will definitely protect her from these things.

Rebecca Knox said...

I feel exactly the same way you do...sad and mad! Maranantha!

Rebecca Knox said...

I feel exactly the same as you...sad and mad. :(

Shannon Harrison said...


Robyn said...

Amen Sister!!! Well said!

Paula said...

I am with you, June!!! I saw these dolls in all the sales fliers recently, and was absolutely stunned. Keep spreading your message!

A Living Sacrifice said...

AMEN!!!!!!! I was also shocked as I went out this year. I have a 2 & 4 year old and all I kept thinking is Lord help me keep my little girls "little girls" as long as possible!!!! Help me shield them as best I can for as long as I can. I refuse to allow this world to have my daughters!!!! Instead I want them to be sold out to...in love with...and commited to Jesus Christ for LIFE!!!!!!!! Jesus shield our little girls!!!!

Janice said...

I think the first one is Monster High right? I don't get that stuff either. It seems bizarre to me. I personally am a Twilight fan (and Harry potter) but would not let my kiddos near it until they can develop a healthy sense of make believe vs. reality and discernment, too.

I think great danger lies in what they see on TV and in music. I don't get why so many parents do not understand that they can have total control of what media is allowed in their homes.

We live in a culture of death and now it is even being reflected in the toy market. Very sad.

Celebrating Family

Deanna said...

i haven't seen this doll until now.

d from Kansas

247mama said...

I wrote a post similar to this last year and sadly this year the items are even worse. We also do not support Monster High, Harry Potter or Twilight. I also don't buy items with Justin Bieber or Hannah Montana on them. My children know they shouldn't even ask and I really don't think they'd want them. We also struggle to find modest clothes for our children but REFUSE to buy anything less. We live for Jesus and we aren't perfect but we do our best.

Paris David said...

Yeah, I know what you mean.

I saw a young girl with a t-shirt on that said "Eye Candy" -- and I was thinking: Who would make that?

kmarvel said...

My husband and I looked at the pics in horror! he can't stand the silly dolls and suggestive clothing they potray and espect us to buy for our 6 year old daughter! modesty is the best policy!

Unknown said...

I saw the first doll somewhere recently and couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be. I am appalled by the clothes I see out for little girls, and I don't even have one, but I find myself praying (a LOT) for the heart of whatever little girl God has picked out for my son, and I pray for my son the be the man God has designed him to be. I think we should be wary of the things we put on our sons, too. I try to gently let the grandparents know I do not care for shirts that say things like "Here comes trouble". I don't let him watch Sponge Bob, much to the dismay of neighbors kids, and we don't (and won't) have the Disney channel. Ever. (We don't have cable). I will not wear clothes like I see in the typical girls section of stores. They look like the clothes we used to wear going out clubbing in college, an era of my life God's grace was the only bandage for. Parents need to realize that, much like Santa or the Easter Bunny, these things are just a doorway to darker places that are not filled with the Light of Christ. We should be vigilant that we do not lead our children into darkness. Thank you for this post.

Jodi Jepson said...

Yes, I am with you June. What you said needs to be said! It is all the things you mentioned and more...really it is hard to even put into words...like it is sureal..hard to believe...someone actually buys this stuff? AND WHY?
Every Blessing, Jodi

Ruth said...

These things truly grieve my heart. I have four little girls, and I do everything I can to encourage what is pure and wholesome. It is becoming harder and harder with the perversion everywhere we turn. I find myself praying a lot that the Holy Spirit will draw them unto Himself and help them to love what is good and hate what is evil.

Maria said...

Amen! I dont have daughters, but I do have three sons and I do pray if and when they choose to marry they choose a Christian woman. Thank you to all the mothers out there who are trying to raise God glorifying women for I am depending on our Lord to help me to raise God glorifying men. Thank you.

Ann@StringerMama said...

One thing I was saddened by was a male "Barbie" doll that was entitled "The Perfect Boyfriend" you could record your own voice to say whatever you wanted him to say and he would repeat it in his own voice. I kept staring at it thinking how very disrespectful to men everywhere and how terrible for little girls to think that men should be exactly what they want them to be instead of being the person that God wants them to be. Another one I saw that seems to be new is the Barbies with switchable heads. If you don't like one, switch it for something else. One thing I've noticed is that my children don't watch television (we Netflix) so they are not exposed to the advertisements - I think this helps because when we do go shopping they are not going in the store with preconceived ideas of what they want based on someone else. Anyway - loved this! Thank you!

Jacqueline @ Deeprootsathome.com said...

June, thank you so much for your passionate response to such trash! It is right to take up the cause and actually speak out about good vs. evil! I'm sharing this!!

Tanya said...

I absolutely love this post, June. That is absolutely horrifying and heartbreaking! I am with you... Glory to God!

Tonya said...

Thank you for boldly speaking truth in humility. I'm praying for you, that God will bless you and continue to use you in this way.

Okaasan said...

That is very disturbing. Barbie has nothing on those weird vampire-ish dolls. The pole dancing thing is incredibly moronic. And I hate those pants that have "sexy" terms on the bottom. It's like putting an invitation on there for sex offenders. Dangerous and foolish. I feel so bad for the children who just want to be like the adults they idolize. I pray that God will rock the world of women so they stop creating and encouraging such destructive products.

Mrs.C said...

I am with you!

marymo5 said...

A pole dancing doll are you kidding me !!!!
I am mad and very sad, what is the world coming to. I have six daughters who I am trying to protect from these things. :(

Thank you for your post, Praise GOD for wise woman like you

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this. Want to hear something scary? My 8yo daughter was looking at the article with me. She saw the blue one and knew enough to say "monster high". Ok, this is why it's scary: we don't watch ANY tv, only videos we own, we homeschool, and the only activities my kids are involved in are church related. I have never even heard of monster high. Obviously I need to be paying better attention. Thanks again!

Sandersclan said...

Thanks for sharing and preparing me for what I will see when I do go shopping this weekend. Like you, I do not spend much time in the stores and neither do my children. My older children were sitting next to me as I read your post. We are all in shock and disgust! Sad to think of what parents expose their children to just by taking them to a toy store. I don't like going to Hastings video stores here for the same reasons. To find a decent movie you have to rummage through a bunch of garbage that even I don't care to see. We are with you here in Idaho!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I have seen those first dolls...but not the pole dancing doll...wow.

I am with you...

Jamie said...

For what it's worth, I don't believe the Pole Dancer doll actually exists (thankfully). I read an article written back in 2009 that talked about how people were in an uproar when someone posted pics of the doll online. I'm pretty sure it was a hoax. At least we don't have to worry about little girls playing with pole dancing dolls!

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

I am with you too June. Those freakish dolls are in our stores here but the pole dancing doll concerns me even more because it actually looks more like a little girl's doll that might even appeal to a preschooler. So sad to think that there are parents out there who might be tempted to buy something like this but I do think even my family and friends who are not believers would also be appalled. A friend of mine who is not a Christian shared an article about the playboy logo jewelry that was being stocked and heavily promoted by a major jewlry chain which markets to young girls. The article (a secular one) was calling for people to boycott this chain and for individuals to write to/email such stores to express their concerns. This is one way in which we as Christians can also make a stand.

Finding Joy said...

I wrote about something similar - words written on girls underwear such as "Sexy" etc...fortunately they have since been removed from the store after complains.

Sadly parents see nothing wrong with these things "a bit of fun" is what one mother wrote.

Tiffany @ As For My House said...

With you, 100%!

I've blogged, too, about the sad way that we (as a society) are training our daughters up the wrong way with the clothes we let them wear. Then, amazingly, people seem surprised when they act it out as teens. Hm. (My blog is www.asformyhouse.com).

Thanks for speaking up! We're so sheltered I haven't seen either of those dolls. Wow!

Tara said...

I was watching a news show about what r we teaching our children. They had the pole dancing doll, but they had also mentioned some clothes that were being sold. It left me in shock. Not sure which stores but a mom raised heck over it and was able to get the stuff pulled. One was a two piece bikini and the other was crouchless panties.
What parent in their right mind would even consider buying this for their baby girls?

Raising Mighty Arrows said...

I'm with you, June! I DO NOT buy those type items either. Pole Dancing? Really! I haven't seen this one and hope we don't ever!

Susie said...

June, it is pretty sad to see things like this. I feel the same way, I'm mad because Satan is taking the innocence from our children. But, we, as parents need to step up to the plate and stand against these worldly trends.

Diana said...

In my home we don't do Barbies or Tinkerbell toys or even Spongebob. The two girls are immodestly dressed and the boy's character is just annoying! Monster High stuff is just a result of children watching PG-13 movies when they are still too young and their resulting fascination with death. America has been spiraling downward for a long time and its our job to help guide the remnant who will be taken up with Jesus.

Heather@TheWelcomingHouseBlog said...

I have three beautiful girls and this breaks my heart. My oldest is almost 12 and we have gotten to the point I make a lot of her clothes (yes I am a seamstress) so she can stay beautiful, fashionable, and yet modest. Every year it is harder and harder to find ANYTHING, books, music, clothing, toys, that are not in some way down the lines of this post you shared. And when I see kids her age playing or wearing it, it is so sad. :( Seems like with the boys it is mental stuff--so many of the video games they play are filled with yuck.:( I pray for the man she marries some day..that he will have a mom who cares as much about what he is being raised with as her mother did for her. Thanks for sharing.

Melissa said...

This is a shameless plug, but it's also because I feel exactly the same way you do - enough that I developed my own line of clothing for kids. Each shirt/onesie says "Learning to be" and then lists a POSITIVE character trait (like responsible, polite, considerate, etc.). At the bottom is a Scripture verse that applies to that trait. Check it out either at Zazzle (www.zazzle.com/mommybeedesigns*) or at CafePress (to avoid being filtered as spam, it's www . cafepress . com / mommybeedesigns without the spaces). The same designs are in both places, but there are some different shirt choices in each.

Ever since my youngest was in utero (and I became more aware of what children's clothing actually says), I've been appalled at some of the things parents seem to be proud of in their children - "brat," "diva," "no one's the boss of me," etc.) It is so important that we not laugh off the poor behavior!

Everyday Oils with Kim said...

I am with you! Thank you for informing me too! Where have I been? How sad this world is, but our God is greater!!

Monique G. said...

We feel the same way here. My youngest is 6 and WILL not have any of those type of dolls. Her barbies are the "princess" ones and her dolls look like babies. we refuse to buy any toys that promote sex. I have people question me all the time when they find out my kids are not allowed to watch shows like Spongebob, Hannah, Wizards of waverly, etc. It is sad that most of society finds nothing wrong with the images children are exposed to. I feel very blessed that we are able to homeschool and keep our children away from this type of media.

Misty said...

I am with you and am sooo glad you are speaking out against this.

nabibiddi said...


Jeffrey & Shannon said...

Parents and toy manufacturers have lost their minds. It's beyond ridiculous at this point. Satan is on the prowl for our sons and daughters - it's heartbreaking and infuriating to see this kind of stuff on the toy aisle.

Marie said...

Very disturbing. It is exactly what the Bible warns us that in the last days they will call what is good bad and what is bad good. What kind of women and mother's will these girls be who play with these toys and dress that way? I shutter to think. More reason we must pray with and for our daughter's and most of all live out a godly example before them. We must teach them to be set apart and not follow what the world is telling them is good!

May the Lord give us wisdom to continue to raise our sons and daughters in this upside down world!

Carolina Girl said...

I am with you, and I am so glad for your post, and a re-confirmation for me. My kids just entered school for the first time and are being bombarded by stuff they "should" like or "should" be like. They don't. I am going to show your post to them this afternoon. They have always loved your blog :) If "A Wise Woman" agrees with mommy, it must be right :) Truthfully, my daughter was convicted against the dolls, but she struggles with her friends wanting them.
Thankfully, they all asked for stuff I have no issue with this year, and none of them have gotten the "greedy bug" so far this year. I am trying really hard to make sure it stays that way!

Becky said...

I am absolutely 100% with you and could not agree with you more! I took my girls to a movie last night (for another child's birthday party) and was appalled at some of the previews for movies that are soon coming out...all of them cartoons. Next time, we're staying in the lobby until the previews are over! We have to constantly stand guard!!

Crystal Hartmann said...

Toy shopping has always been so difficult! Especially for my son......legos and building blocks only go so far? Toys is one area we have always had a clear course in what to steer away from. My kids are 10,9,8,4,2 (plus 1 coming), and while they are not perfect, I do think that choices we have made about toys, tv etc. have helped them tremendously! I hope this continues to be so. One thing we have to work on is they have adamant feelings that they have NO trouble expressing about certain toys etc. My fault! We have to learn how to express how we feel about thouse things better so as not to push people away.

Large Family Small World said...

Great post! I had never seen those dolls, but then we tend to stay away from the doll section when we are shopping.

I'm so saddened by what I see marketed to little girls, and even more saddened to see parents buying into these things.

You are correct in saying that we need to be thinking generationally. It is not just my children that I'm protecting and raising up to follow the Lord, it is future generations that I'm impacting!

Grandmagene said...

I am with you totally 100 percent. The stuff they are selling for young girls is disgusting. I also would like to sign up to get you on my email. Your blog is beautiful. Could you explain how to. My email is gmarinemom01@gmail.com Thank you and God Bless!

Carla said...


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


You can subscribe by email here:


Thank you for your kind words--to God be the glory!

And ladies, thank you for all of your support! We really need to spread the word and encourage other mothers to rethink what they give their children.

Many blessings...

kim said...

I have two girls and a boy. I often find myself having conversations with friends about the toys and clothes that are marketed for our children.

We homeschool so in many ways we have more control over what our children are exposed to.

Not only will Monster High, Harry Potter & Twilight never be in our home neither will clothing with writing on the bottom. Especially, writing that takes away from the innocence of my children and turns them into a sex object.

Our society is overly sexualized. Sex sells everything - even tires! It isn't necessary but Satan has blinded our culture to many things.

The pole dancing doll, in my opinion is way over the line. That represents one thing - stripper. Not only do I not want my daughters to be playing with this, I do not want them at anytime to think it is acceptable. There are many in our society that would lvoe to trick our daughters into thinking this is ok. It is ok to act that way, to dance that way, to dress that way, to make money that way. It isn't and as I am learning very few girls/women actually choose this kind of life for themselves.

While that is a conversation for a different post, it can start with something as "innocent" (used very loosely here) as a doll.

I pray that our country would see the evils we are committing and repent and turn to God and would here our prayers!

Thank you for being a light. For being bold and sharing your heart and love and for Jesus in a world full of darkness!


Jills Home Remedies said...

I am WITH YOU!!! I'm disgusted at these things!

Kelly said...

I am as saddened and horrified as you are! I've seen the doll with the fangs before, but the pole dancer?!

We need to pray for this generation fervently!

Donna Becker said...

What really makes me angry is seeing a preteen girl in a public place dressed in shorts that barely cover her behind and a little band barely covering her breasts. And her MOTHER walking right beside her, not only condoning her daughter's "look," but participating in it!
Moral responsibility is pushed away not only by companies chasing money, but by parents themselves!

BeckyAnn said...

one of the things that got to me recently... i never thought about it before having mostly seen it on adult women, in country weatern apparel and the like, but rhinestones on the buttox of jeans. my niece is 5 and her other aunt (who buys most of her clothes since her mother passed away along with my MIL) buys her jeans with rhinestones and shapes on the buttox. i dont see the point. a little stitching which is on everything i can understand. you cant get away from that. but rhinestones and glitter shape that are designed to draw the eyes to that part of the body?? shes 5!!! it's the things like that which i dont understand....

Homeschooling Trio said...

What we view as innocent fun, Satan views as serious business.

Mrs.B said...

I AM WITH YOU. God help me stand in my post!

Amber said...

Oh my LORD - the pole dancing doll?!? This mess is making me sick to my stomach - literally. So sad. What in the world are people thinking?

I agree with your thoughts on the matter. Also - wanted to thank you for posting about a wholesome place to buy kid toys - Vision Forum - one of our family favs! =-D

Lisa said...

Amen, June! I am so tired of walking through the toy section of Walmart and being disgusted by all the trashy toys. I almost feel as if I have to shield my children's eyes! And how sad that so many parents will actually buy this stuff for their children.
Even so, come Lord Jesus!

christy said...

I totally agree. BUT, I also believe in teaching children/teenagers how to deal with this stuff. Parents can't protect their children forever. To not teach a child how to handle this stuff when bombarded by it can make it difficult when that child becomes an adult. How do I know this? I was that child.

Anonymous said...

It breaks my heart to see what women and young girls are becoming. We've turned all outside entertainment off. Even Disney teaches my 4 young ladies to disregard their parents wishes and do things their way, not to mention Nickelodeon. We've been outside free for 1 year and our house is slowly turning around. Praise the Lord for Christian schools and the Christian Entertainment system. Nothing is shown to my children anymore without being seen by myself anymore. We just can't trust it. Our kids learned to lie and steal from iCarly before we knew it. Thank you for this site and I'm glad to know I'm not the only Mom that Loves her daughters enough to protect them.

Rhonda Devine said...

It's good to see some mad mamas!! It is going to take letting these companies know we don't want this junk! I hadn't seen these toys because my kids are now older so not in the toy aisle much. If people don't buy, they'll quit making it.
My heart is with you all and let us do what we can to raise a pure next generation and the one after that.

Lisa said...


Megan said...

Great article!

I have a question though...I have heard some parents say Harry Potter is OK, written by a Christian and with Christian themes, but I always assumed that it was filled with witchcraft and satanic/demonic overtones, I'm curious on your opinions! I was actually thinking of buying the books but I'm on the fence which is why I ask! :)

Anonymous said...

It is totally shocking what is out there that can influence our girls. I feel sad, mad, and disgusted. We have taken our 10 year old to Secret Keeper by Dannah Gresh who by the way has a great book out on how to keep your daughter at an appropriate age level. We send her to a christian school, monitor tv, clothing, toys, etc but it still seems to not be enough. Ugh! Things can still creep in. Hopefully with a good base that we give our children and a love for Christ, they can filter out these bad things at an earlier age that we needed to. Keep up the good work on spreading the word! Looks as if you have several in agreement!

Patricia said...

Why would any thinking person--Christian or not--participate in this first step towards trafficking their own daughter? I am the mother of boys only, but such demoralizing clothing and desensitizing toys makes it harder to help my teen sons treat girls with dignity when they go out of the way to undignify themselves.

rosajosa said...

I have a three year old and a five year old. I'm thankful to say that their requests include a new play kitchen, new baby dolls, pink sleeping bags and roller skates. I pray that though these incredibly distasteful "toys" exist, that my daughters never even WANT them. We definitely won't be buying them!

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

I am so with you on this one :) :) I don't like those "toys" because they teach the kids to be to flirty at way to young an age. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

Far Above Rubies said...

Excellent post. I'm with you!!

Ginger said...

Thank you for such an awesome post!

Gege said...

I'm with you! I feel exactly the same!!!!

Lorene said...

First off I want to say, as a Christian you are absolutely right not to buy your children these types of toys. But we can not expect better of non-Christians.
I also want to comment on the "Pole Dancing Doll". I'm not so sure that's even real. I tried to find places to buy it and I couldn't, not even at Spencers online (an adult novelty store).

Kristy @ Little Natural Cottage said...

I SO agree, June! The toys (and clothing) pushed upon our children these days is appalling.

As Christians, we have to take a stand and not allow the world to influence our home via toys, clothing, media, or any other way.

Michelle said...

I'm with you, June! Purity and modesty are not words that the toy industries are interested in promoting.

I am absolutely infuriated with the pole dancing dolls. As for letters on a girl's bottom-I have always found that offensive- but right now I want to see one written on those pants:


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