Monday, December 12, 2011

Mothers Who Are Not Ashamed

When you go out with your children, lift your head high, put a smile on your face, and be proud to be a mother. You have one of the most important careers in the nation. God Himself is your employer and you are helping to determine the future of this nation.

Be a light in the midst of a society that does not embrace children. Do not be intimidated. Show your love for your children as you speak sweetly to them and are patient with them. If God has blessed you with a number of children, be proud to display your "blessings" from the Lord. You reveal to the world what God is like for He loves children. Jesus did not reject children. He welcomed the children to come to Him...

--Nancy Campbell,  
100 Days of Blessing: Devotions for Wives and Mothers

Longing for more "motherhood" encouragement?


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Stacey said...

I love love love this. I was just explaining this to my daughter yesterday.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Stacey,

You are a wise mother to teach your daughter early on and build a strong foundation for her. Keep up the great work!

Many blessings...

Anonymous said...

I love your words of encouragement in a workday that discourages motherhood...especially large families. I also love the picture and am interested in finding a copy to display in my home. Do you happen to know the artist and/or the title?

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Anonymous,

You can find Victorian/vintage images over at by clicking on the image of this post. (Sorry, I did not label the title of this one so unable to share it.)

Many blessings...

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

This is such an awesome post! I hate the way people stare when I go out with all five of my children. I just smile and carry on because being a mother is the best gift God could have given me!!

Jessica said...

So many encouraging words in the blog world today. I just found out I am pregnant with my fifth child, and have a christian family who is very against our belief that children are a blessing and that we are allowing God to decide how many blessings we will recieve. They have yelled and screamed at me over it, tell me they are praying that I come to my sences about it (both during my last pregnancy). It's so sad that we have no one to turn to for support on this matter, and that we feel the need to keep this pregnancy to ourselves until it's a need to know thing. After reading this post I'm more excited to show my family and the world these beautiufl blessings God has given us, whether they see them as that or not.

Far Above Rubies said...

I love 100 Days of Blessing. Just purchased my own copy. Thanks, June.

Sandi said...

Great quote by Nancy! I too am trying to find this painting. I cannot find it through a search on in the Victorian/Vintage section. I even called and they don't know how to help me without an artist's name or title. Please help. Thanks!

Jessica said...

Thank you for sharing this. I have four children(4, 3, 1, and six months), and I get a lot of looks and comments when we're out in public. What an excellent reminder that I can be a light for the Lord just in my actions towards my children!

Kari said...

Jessica, I am so sorry that you are not getting any support from your family, especially one who professes Christianity. It's hard to feel alone but know there are many women in the blogosphere who are praising God with you for your newest blessing! Praying you feel the Lord's strength to face those who oppose your obedience to Him.

Rachel Keppner said...

What a beautiful reminder today. Thank you! :-)


Fawn @Happy Wives Club said...

Beautiful post. You are right. We live in a society that isn't child or marriage-friendly. But much of that is misperception. When we are proud of our families, the world will see, and will be blessed greatly. Whether they know it now or not.

busymomof10 said...

This is a great reminder!! I love the encouraging, soothing words of Nancy Campbell!

I was reminded this weekend what a privilege it is to be able to choose to have many children or to trust the Lord and have a large family if He so blesses. We had a house full of guests from a country where they do not have that freedom and the women shared their wish that they could have a large family like me! Really made me see my life through new eyes!!!!

Johnnal said...

Thank you so much for your post today! I was actually standing in line at a theme park today when I saw it, and I just started to cry. I had already received my fair share of stares over the fact that I am blessed with (gasp) 4 children and even bigger shock that I would love to have more if God was willing. Lately I've also been battling the guilt that the world and even the church puts on us sometimes for not have a "real" career. Several of my friends have recently returned to college to get nursing degrees and are stunned that now that my kids are all of school age I don't want to go back to school so I can make our lives easier. It is so easy to take on that guilt that says "If I worked, then my husband wouldn't have to work so hard or we would have all of the little things that we sacrifice so I can raise our children." It's such false guilt, God is not the author of these feelings, but sadly I have been wallowing in them lately, much to my husband's dismay.
Thank you for reminding me that I am employed by The ALMIGHTY! I have the MOST important job in the world in raising up my children to follow after Him. Thanks for reminding me that each one of these children is such a blessing and that God had them planned even when I didn't. Thank you for allowing God to work through you to work in my life in the middle of Lego Land! Thank you!

Large family, small world said...

I love this post! I used to get discouraged by stares and comments when I took the kids out, but in the past few years I've come to find them a blessing. I love the opportunities to set an example, and even share Christ with those we interact with. Isn't that part of the job, to spread Gods love? To shine his light? We attract attention when we are out and about with our many children, what better opportunity to glorify HIM!

Caroline said...

Oh Amen! I become quite disheartened when I hear or see mothers who look like they ought to feel put out by their children. Especially women that say their high spirited children are like "birth control" for young women looking to start a family. Thank you so much for this post. It means so much to me.

Mrs. U said...

Hi Mrs. Fuentes,
I have some questions I'd love to ask you. Would you email me sometime?

Thank you,

Mrs. U
(theups1 at gmail dot com)

Finding Joy said...

No mother should be ashamed at being a mother, stay-at-home mothers, working mothers, single mothers etc. If you love your children dearly what does it matter what others think. I work but I am not ashamed of being a mother - I find it odd that any mother would be ashamed. I talk about my grown up children to my work colleagues and they talk about their children and I am yet to find one mother or father who is ashamed. I find it a very odd concept to even think about.


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