Friday, December 16, 2011

It's All a Lie

The world tells me that to be happy I need to drive a nice car, wear beautiful clothes and have plenty of me-time. I need to strive for the body of a 21-year-old and live the American Dream.

And the last time I saw Oprah she wasn't interviewing a housewife who told how she scrimps, saves and eats beans and potatoes in order to stay home and wipe noses.

The cover of Glamour magazine never features a housewife who denies herself praise and prestige in order to be the keeper of her home, and Cosmopolitan won't tell me how to be an excellent wife and the crown of my husband.

We cook countless meals, wash the same laundry and repeat the same non-glamorous tasks day after day and don't receive any accolades. The only thing many of us will receive is scorn from the world who has no eyes to see that the daily dying, the investment in our children, will be the future of the Church.

But God sees all.

He sees every hot meal you make, then eat cold. He sees every tear you cry when you are exhausted. He sees every diaper you change and every slow reader you refuse to give up on. He sees you draw close to that unlovable child. He sees you go the extra mile in cleaning that bathroom as you do it as unto Him. He sees you share the gospel daily with your family by the choices you make, the lines in the sand you draw, the life you have chosen.

You are serving Him.

And He will reward you. Maybe in this life, as your children may one day rise up and call you blessed. But certainly in the one to come.

His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.' Matt. 25:21

-This is  a guest post by Bambi of In the Nursery of the Nation.

I am an ordinary, homeschooling mom to seven children.  Our eighth child will, Lord willing, be joining us in March!  We are a Texas-loving, Texas-abiding family who loves Jesus as well as good books, strong coffee and the outdoors.  Oh, we also love babies.  Lots of babies :)

I enjoy spending my time learning about reformed theology, the doctrines of grace and solid Biblical truth. I don't have all the answers nor have I "arrived".  Like you, I am a wife and mother in need of torrential grace. I fail every day...many times in fact.  But the Lord is faithful and His mercies new every morning!

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” – Phil. 4:8 


Would you like more reading on this topic? We recommend:

Satan is the master deceiver and his lies are endless. And the lies Christian women believe are at the root of most of their struggles.  

"Many women live under a cloud of personal guilt and condemnation," says Nancy Leigh DeMoss. "Many are in bondage to their past. Others are gripped by fear of rejection and a longing for approval. Still others are emotional prisoners."

In best-selling Lies Women Believe, Nancy exposes those areas of deception most commonly believed by Christian women—lies about God, sin, priorities, marriage and family, emotions, and more. She then sheds light on how we can be delivered from bondage and set free to walk in God's grace, forgiveness, and abundant life. Nancy offers the most effective weapon to counter and overcome Satan's deceptions: God's truth!

                                                                       You can get this book HERE!

Note: This post contains affiliate links---thanks for your support!


Anonymous said...

My oh my! This post is my Christmas present from God Himself. I am a homemaker who left an Intensive Care Nursing job to come home and take care of my family. I have homeschooled my daughter, who is now a 27 year old wife and mother. I am homeschooling my son, who is 14 and is struggling to read. I have felt like a failure for such a long time. I do all the mundane work here in our home; all the cleaning, cooking, laundry, schooling, holidays, shopping, gardening and such..which is not glamorous. This post has allowed me to put things back in eternal perspective. God does see everything I do and He is pleased. Thank you for posting...I do believe you have followed Gods' leading which has resulted in lessening the burden of a distant sister in Christ. Thank you once again! :)
Most sincerely,
Mrs. Donnie Beale

Adelina Priddis said...

wonderful post, I wish more women could see that it's amazing to be a housewife, and that most of us really enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you ! Words I needed today ! May you be blessed ! Hugs !

Melissa said...

Thank you for this! I was just writing about struggling with discontentment. The timing of this post was perfect for me :)

Marmee's Pantry said...

Amen, Amen & AMEN! More young women need to read this.

Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><

Rhonda Devine said...

Great post! So true and so needed in our culture today.

Aliene said...

I am and have for 53 years been a home maker. Raised our three beautiful children who are now married with children of their own.
We always had to economize and stretch to make ends meet. Sure, house work gets to be mundane and we do the same thing over again but I would not trade places with that one that has big paying jobs and baby sitters.
I love being here for my husband. Love cooking meals and washing his clothes and ironing etc.

Sometimes we get criticized for not going to work. But if we do what the Lord requires us to do ~ that is satisfaction. Thanks for posting this. All younger Moms need to read this.

Mandy said...

Thank you! I needed to read that today! What an encouragement!

Rhonda @ Abide at Home said...

As always, a very encouraging post! Thank you for your faithfulness in encouraging us in the value of staying home and caring for our little ones!

Anonymous said...

Miss June --You're right - God sees all. And just like Mother Theresa said and Martican Mc Bride sings "do it anyway" --because everything we do God sees. As a career working mother after husband's injury and now working at home -- believe you me --a mother's role in the home is "THE" most important job in the entire world. Never ever underestimate all that you do to build the future. Of course the world won't see that or acknowlege that --and I've learned not to expect it to, because I glorify God each and everyday by using the gifts and talent he has bestowed upon me. Unfortunately, the world is misguided. The world will be a far better place with each child that is "built by the master" through a mother's loving care. God chose you --what a gloriuous reward to think that I could ever parent a child and raise them to the best of my ability with God's direction! whew --what an awesome feeling to know, God chose me! thank you god for your amazing love that you trusted me to help lead my child until the day came that they could rise and stand on their own.

June, thank you for reminding us of our most important role we may ever be called to do & our greatest reward!

"The world and its desires pass away but the man who does the will of God lives forever" I John 2:17

Be "Not Of This World"

Merry Christmas!
Lisa K

Kari said...

Almost brought me to tears. Thank you for this very encouraging post!

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooooo much! I needed these words more than you can ever imagine! God is good, all the time!

Thank You, glorious and sweet Abba, for reminding me that I am serving You! I pray that You delight in all that I do, that I may glorify Your Name even in cleaning the bathroom (again and again) :)!

Love, Esther

Mrs B said...

Thank you so much for those words :) For "the rest of the world" those of us who are "just" stay-at-home-moms are worthless. That's the way I feel. But they should have known what a wonderful way of living it is to be a homemaker :) I love my "profession"!The painting in this post was so beautiful! Who is the artist?
Blessings from Norway.

Mrs B said...

Thank you for those words :) It's a wonderful "profession" to be a stay-at-home-mom! But in the world's eyes we are worthless - they should have known!
The painting in this post is so beautiful - who is the artist?

Blessings from Norway

Anonymous said...

wonderful post! So thankful for a loving God that sees me in my most mundane work and acknowledges me with His Sweet Spirit there more?

Danielle Durand said...

I read this with tears in my eyes; thank you for this post of encouragement. When I am grumbling over the mundane things, I forget that I am fulfilling the Lord's will for my life, that when I do these things WITHOUT complaining, I most glorify Him.

Thank you.

Chantel said...

I read all the comments after reading the post, and it is clear, that this has touched a chord with many of us today. I am grateful to the Lord for using you as an instrument to share these words, and I thank the Lord for Bambi's availability to the Holy Spirit as she penned this post. God sees all. This admonishes me to serve joyfully in my home, and know that I am sowing seeds that I may not reap on this side of eternity, but will reap none the less, if I do not faint.

In the Nursery of the Nation said...

So thankful for all your words, ladies! I pray the message of this post reaches many--it is so easy for us to lose the vision. Praise the Lord for His work in our hearts and lives. Bambi

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this post!!! :) I never felt in any way wrong for staying home...even after my youngest was on their own. The world may think I should be working for money but I am working for something more precious. We all need to keep reminding ourself who is watching and who we are working for and what our reasons for doing so are. Is it so worth the effort. I feel we have what the world really wants...they just don't know it. If they knew Who to work for we would be a different nation..and world. That is something we can work towards,.... we can is spreading The Word. Getting into the work force though,is Not the way! :) Sarah

Large family, small world said...

Wonderful Post! Thank you!

Lisa said...

Great post. God's been speaking to me about the same thing - how the "American dream" differs so greatly from the "dream" we, as housewives and mothers, live. Thanks for the encouragement.

Angie said...

Since both of my daughters are now in school full time, and I am a work from home mom, this piece made me TEAR UP! This reminds me that God sees me picking up after them when they leave, He hears me pray for them while I work, and He knows that this is EXACTLY where He placed me to be. Thank you so much for your beautiful reminder :)

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful, comforting, healing and encouraging words!!! Thankyou for sharing!
From a fellow Visionary Womanhood writer ;).

Heather Anderson said...

Your post is an encouragement to all of us who have chosen this path. There are days when we need to be reminded why it is we're doing what we are doing. May God fill each woman with hope and vision as she seeks to fulfill His calling daily.

Anonymous said...

Here it is 5 years later and this is being seen by new eyes! This post is wonderful! As sahms/hsing moms we are often overlooked and underappreciated! Thank you for sharing this!
Cindi B from Texas!

Anonymous said...

Great post..I am 52 3 kids One turn on me don't know where I went wrong. I feel UNAPPRECIATED MOST OF THE TIME.. all three have grown. I just don't know how to stop this empty nest. Anyone one else experience this.? What do you do?


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