Saturday, November 19, 2011

She Does Him Good and Not Evil

Have you been struggling lately with respecting and encouraging your husband?

Maybe just need a little nudge, reminder, or some good old-fashioned practical help in just how to do it?

I encourage you to read  through

The 30 Day Husband Challenge

Even if you don't do it--it is definitely a refreshing reminder!

"The heart of her husband safely trusts her;
so he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good and not evil
all the days of her life." 

Prov. 31:11-12

Book recommendation: The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace
(now also available in audio)


Pssssst---I have a special surprise for all of you--I am also going to have the BIGGEST giveaway I have ever had on here on Monday! Stay tuned!

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Kari said...

Looking forward to following the 30-day challenge! I know I can definitely improve in my role as wife!!

Jenny Cross said...

Wonderful idea! I am kind of doing the same thing...but it is taking me much longer to pounder the Proverbs 31 scriptures than I thought. Going to be more like 31 weeks, not 31 days....anyway... This is going to be like a crash course in Fascinating Womanhood. HORAY!!!!


Domestic Goddess said...

I needed this today...I didn't say anything negative, I just didn't say anything at all. I'm going to take this challenge...

Naomi said...

I tried clicking on the 30 day Husband Challenge link but nothing would pop up. Is there a direct link so that I can veiw the challenge? I would greatly appreciate any help. Thanks:)

Patricia said...

This posted on our 28th wedding anniversary--and it's still great advice! Building and keeping a strong, respectful, and encouraging marriage is a lifelong pursuit with unlimited growth potential. Thx for sharing this challenge.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Naomi,

Try again, it is in PDF format so it may take a bit to load depending on how fast your connection is. Or just click here:

Many blessings...


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