Monday, October 24, 2011

Mothers, You are Building Cultures, Societies, and Kingdoms

Mothers, take heart. 

You are building cultures, societies, and kingdoms while you are training those little people within your home. No matter what, someone is going to train them. Our rotten culture didn't come out of nowhere. It came because Christian families forsook their first duty and abandoned their homes to the enemy. 

Let us return to our home and rebuild a vision for godly descendants that stretches into the future...

If we want wholehearted womanhood to become reality again, we must be willing to forsake the glittering paths of fame, recognition and celebrity. If we want beautiful girlhood for our young ladies--a time of innocence, joy and delight in service--then we must be willing to demonstrate it in our homes and live it beautifully for the watching world.

We are daughters of the King!
We are building a kingdom that will have no end.
We are shaping cultures--for good or ill--as we go about our daily tasks.
Let us purpose to follow Christ wholeheartedly, embracing  the servanthood He demonstrated to us.

Let us purpose to put to death the grasping desire for fame
that our godless culture has raised up as its idol
Let us be women of purpose and vision, serving Christ from hearts that overflow
with love for His people and for the lost.

--essay from Jennie Chancey,
Queen of the Home by Jen McBride

As you can tell, I just received my copy of Queen of the Home in the mail and I MUST say this book should be mandatory for every Christian bookshelf. This book gives vision, guidance, hope and encouragement to embrace noble Christian womanhood and reject what the culture has to offer so much so that I am making sure that even my grandchildren get a copy of it--and not just because I have contributed to it--but because the wisdom and vision in it is priceless.

Thank you, sweet Jen, for putting together such a treasure trove!

Have a blessed day building up kingdoms!


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Heidi said...

We must live each day with purpose and vision. Thank you for sharing.

Becky De Valle said...

Perhaps this could be the next book covered in the TCM group on fb? Thank you for the reminder about what we are "building." ;) I thought of Gal. 6:9...And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Oh Lord, help me not to faint! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! I definitely want to try to get this book asap. :)


Rhonda Devine said...

Wow! Sounds like that is a great book!

Jen McBride said...

So excited to hear you got your copy and glad you are enjoying it! I still actually haven't seen an actual REAL copy of it yet and can't wait until mine arrive. :-)

Graced Simplicity said...

Such wonderful encouragement. I just couldn't keep it to myself. ;0) What a blessing you are!

Much Love & Blessings,

Amy Joy said...

Thank you for sharing. I will definitely look into obtaining my own copy. Encouragement of this sort is hard to find and much appreciated, especially when so much in our lives seeks to push us down other paths. What wonderful encouragement!
In Christ

Far Above Rubies said...

Thank you, June.

Congratulations on being featured.



Mrs.C said...

I've not had time to stop by in so long, but so glad I did tonight. I love what you shared, especially the very last part. Can't wait to read this. Thank you for sharing!

Maria said...

Wow so true! We have to fight for our family!


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