Thursday, October 20, 2011

Will We Fight For Them?

Today's we are featuring a guest post by Michelle from  She Looketh Well...

I had quite a sobering conversation in my head yesterday.  

Yesterday I sort of reached the ‘end’ of my limit with a certain teenage son, who simply is going through what I would call typical ‘growing up pains’.  Each of his brothers before him did too, I know this, but somehow forget and get frustrated.

My normal M.O. is to just get ticked and say, ‘fine, figure it out on your own then.’  (yes, I know not so spiritual nor mature)  I want to just wash my hands of the whole stinkin’ mess.
Well, I called Brian, ranted something about ‘just being done with him’.  I believe I let him know that this particular son was HIS, and I was just done.  He, of course, was shocked by my words and encouraged (begged) me to stop the foolishness coming out of my mouth.  I just sat there and stewed while he talked.

When we got off the phone I went about my business, still stewing and a brewing, repeating my above foolishness in my head.  What I heard next just about stopped my in my tracks, literally.

“So, you’re done?  Well, you might as well be putting him right into the hands of the enemy.”  Giant gulp!  I literally could picture just handing my son over to the enemy because I was too selfish, lazy and prideful to deal with everyday issues!  Ugh, it pains me now to even think about it.


If we don’t fight for our children, who will?  There is an enemy who prowls around seeking whom he may destroy.  He comes to steal, kill and destroy.  A very REAL vicious, relentless killer after our children and I am willing to just say, ‘forget it, too hard, don’t want to deal with this today’???  

NO!!  I am not willing to give up!  I choose to fight with every ounce of my being.  I will not let the enemy take my children on my watch.  If we don’t fight for them, who will, ladies, who will?

Yep, I repented yesterday.  I told God I see that I am wrong, I don’t really have the fight and the love in me to battle this, but I know that He does and I am counting on HIM to equip me.

Let the very cry of our hearts be . . .

Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. (2 Timothy 2:10)

May we be willing to endure ALL things for our children’s sake!

Thank you, Michelle for your encouraging words to keeping us focused on fighting for our children!
You are a blessing!


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Sharon said...

So true! We have authority so let's fight like it!

Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

I needed to read this today, I have teen-aged girls- 3 of them! So, Amen. Thank you. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad for your post today. I Have four children and one of my sons has been having some very challenging behaviors. I have been thinking and feeling very done and ready to give up. Your post came at just the right time.

Sonya said...

This is so very true ! I've had these moments and the Lord has quickly shown me, I've never given up on you ! God has shown me so much grace in mothering ! We went through a major crisis with our oldest teenage daughter when she turned 18 (she's now 21) . When I would get frustrated & want to just give up, feeling sorry for myself- "How could she not obey our rules, how could she disregard all I've taught her ?" I would quietly hear the Lord say, I know how you feel. Ouch ! I also feel he kept telling me to love her, even when she was unlovable. Things have changed a lot in the last few years, God has given healing and restoration to the brokenness. Never give up, never !

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a helpful mental picture! I have a friend that could really use prayer regarding this. We don't know each other very well but we are FB friends-so I see her post often about her mental hardships regarding her two young children. I feel like she unintentionally spreads her negativity around. Example-when I expressed how much I am looking forward to the birth of our second son (they'll be less then 2 yrs apart), her only comment was about how tiresome it is having two. When a friend posted about having her third (and expressed in the comments how she has NOT found it more challenging having three & is overjoyed), she posted about how hard the beginning is. There's no hope, no positivity. She's a very spiritual person and I know she has a relationship with Christ. Does anyone have advice on how to be an encouragement or gently remind her that the words of her mouth can poison and discourage others?

HaggyHouseWife said...

Your post came at the perfect time. I have been dealing with my oldest who is becoming a "lovely" teenager and have been excusing my wanting to give up as "never done this before so therefor..." These words have reminded me that MY heavenly father has and I should just ask.

Hayley said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am the mother of five and my favorite age range has always been infant to 5 yrs. Well now my oldest is 11. We are beginning to see some challenging times ahead. This was so timely. Thank you for not being ashamed to share this. I know many people will benefit from your truthfulness as I have.

Rebecca said...

"Yep, I repented yesterday. I told God I see that I am wrong, I don’t really have the fight and the love in me to battle this, but I know that He does and I am counting on HIM to equip me."

Thank you. I needed this!

Kim said...

Thank you for being so honest! It lets us (other Christian moms) know that we are not alone. I appreciate your posts and look forward to reading! God bless you as you continue your works!

Finding Balance mommy said...

Thank you for being honest. I also had an incident with my son yesterday. Being a mother is a daily journey. Most days are amazing, but the rough days make me feel like a failure. Your words are very encouraging! Thank you for striving to be more like Jesus.

Deborah said...

Beautiful post. And an awesome reminder. :o)

Anonymous said...

I have a son that I have felt that way about...although I'd definitely say he was beyond the typical growing pains...But you're right! I will fight for him, and the other two children who are trying their best to live for God. Thanks for the reminder!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this posting! We, too, just went through an "episode" with our eldest daughter (almost 17). I felt all the same things you said. I also felt "done," tired, and like I'd lost everything with my daughter (all those years of trying to teach the right path, etc.).

It's darkest before the dawn, and because my husband helped me not to give up on her--and because of lots of prayer....the past two days I've seen an amazing change in her.

It is especially good to read that I'm not the only mom who's trying to teach the Christian way of life and still ending up with a challenging teenager!

Patches of Thyme said...

THank you June! It is always always worth it to fight for our kids. I have a grown son now and believe me I fought for him when he was in his teens. It was hard but worth it. Thanks for being so honest. We can learn so much from each other

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Going through something similar today with my 20 year old. Thanks, I needed that!


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