Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Destructive Influence of the Foolish Woman

The destructive influence of foolish women is readily apparent in the secular world. In recent years we have seen the power of foolish women to tear down and destroy the moral sensitivities and fiber of an entire nation. We can all think of high profile women, entertainers, politicians, wives of public figures--whose philosophies and lifestyles have wielded an enormous, negative influence on our entire culture.

However, what should trouble us even more is the extent to which foolishness among women has permeated the evangelical church. We have followed the world in redefining what it means to be a woman, as well as what is means to be a man. We have blurred, if not eradicated, the distinctions between feminine and masculine character, behavior and roles.

We have lost our moorings, our sense of what is pure and good, true and right. We have little comprehension of the meaning or importance of such old-fashioned words such as wholesome, modest, discreet and chaste.

Nancy Leigh Demoss, Biblical Womanhood in the Home



Aliene said...

I would like to comment you on the purpose of your blog. I have you in my blog list. I was an old fashion mother with old fashion views. My girls never wore pants while they were at home, we did not raise our children with TV. We tried to teach
them Christian Principles. Maybe we went a little too far but better than not far enough, right?
Every mother needs to keep your blog in front of them. god bless you for taking a stand.

Mrs. Stam said...

so true, the church is becoming less of a light in the world and more like the world, I think it's sad!

Thanks for sharing this with us!

Rachael said...

That is so true!

Mrs. Beale said...

Absolutely true...and my heart aches.

Susie said...

Very good thoughts! Women have such a powerful influence to others. All around us we can see the evidence of her bad influence and we can see the evidence of her good influence. Influence for godliness should be the only influence. Thank you for your thoughts.

Mary said...

Unfortunately, so true.

Shonni said...

Yes, so true!

Cassidy said...

So true...sadly, so true.
I follow you from my blog also!
Smiles, Cassidy

Stefanie said...

I want to thank you for your blog, a friend referred me to it. It is very convicting. I am a working mom who just went back to work after maternity leave (4 month old baby in daycare) and I just wanted to share that God has really put the desire in my heart to be at home. My husband and I now share this desire. We also hope to have a big family. I am a teacher and hopefully plan on being home after this school year. My view of "stay-at-home-moms" (as the secular world may call it) has always been looked at as a luxury, in a "must be nice" sarcastic view. I now believe it is a luxury if you are doing God's will for your husband and children. I know it's a lot of work, but how exciting at the same time! But I have relatives (my mom, sister, etc.) who look at it in "oh, it must be nice that she can do that" . I know this is what the world has made it look like. Do you have any encouragement for any women out there who are leaving the secular world of a working mom/wife, and adveturing into a fulfilling domestic role that I know God so wants? I will be faced with judgement, which is something I can look beyond because there is nothing more powerful than being where God wants you. Just looking for a little encouragement. By the way, I get so excited about building into my children and building my husband up. I thank God and pray for this gift that he will soon give to me, my husband, and child "full-time".

Thanks, Stefanie

Gabe said...

Thank you for your wonderful blog! I recently found it and have been enjoying it! What a blessing!

I've seen the destructiveness of such foolish influences in my own family, and grieve the loses that have been suffered because of this.

Just today (before reading your post) I posted about how even our one-year-old-girl KNOWS to love babies, and how we are enjoying guiding our young children to fill their God given roles!

Lena said...

It is hard to be in church and a lot of families has it all reversed. Husbands stay home and wives go to work. Which means less children, less soft, caring mothers. But this is the world we live in. Sad but true.

Trish said...

This is a true statement and should cause deep concern amongst christian families. Sadly, most don't seem to be very bothered by the declining state of things. I see christian girls compromising, little by little, and slowly losing the virtues of modesty and discretion. Often they are unhappy and confused about this, but feel trapped by the pull of peer pressure and the wanting to 'fit in' mindset. Much prayer is needed for our christian youth! blessings..Trish

Unknown said...

I love Nancy! Thank you for sharing, it is sadly all too true.

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

Excellent post. Thank you so much for sharing!

Chris said...

If God gave Eve as a companion to Adam, why is it impossible that men would seek to bring women into their roles in the world?

One would think the best place for the roles of men and women to merge, would be in the safety and nurturing atomosphere of a church.

Unlike the world, the church does observe the word of God as a standing point of faith. If there's going to be a model to follow in the world, shouldn't the church have one based on faith?


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