Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our Blessed Legacy: 18 Years

Marriage is the blessed sacred union between a husband and wife and today I announce the celebration of 18 years with my best friend! We have been blessed because the Lord has strengthened our marriage through the years and patiently showed us how to have a Christian marriage and home. We have eight beautiful children and one in heaven. We have been through happy and good times, hard and troubling times and yet have been shaped and strengthened through it all.

We are both first generation Christians and we also came from broken homes. But we have chosen to take a stand for Christ in our lives-- to defend Him, our Christian family and homelife. We are determined to leave a godly legacy for our children. We have resolved that this will be the generation in our family to end the destructive cycle of divorce. If God is willing, we will not pass down a broken heritage to our children but instead a rich inheritance---they will be a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that they may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
(1 Peter 2:9).

God has definitely weaved a beautiful tapestry in our lives and as our hearts and souls became one. The glory of his magnificent work all goes to our Savior! Each year we are married is a victory for His kingdom and a reminder of Satan's defeat. We are blessed to be witnesses to the mightiness of his loving kindness and grace and we give Him thanks and praise for turning that which was nothing and using it for His glory!

Which makes me think of this poem:

*A Christian Home*

O give us home built firm upon the Savior
Where Christ is Head and Counselor and Guide
Where every child is taught his love and favor
And gives his heart to Christ, the crucified:
How sweet to know that through his footsteps waver
His faithful Lord is walking by his side!

O give us homes with Godly fathers, mothers,
Who always place their hope and trust in Him:
Whose tender patience turmoils never bothers,
Who calm and courage trouble cannot dim;
A home where each finds joy in serving others,
And love still shines, tho' days be dark and grim.

O Lord, our God, our homes are Thine forever!
We trust to Thee their problems, toil, and care;
Their bonds on love no enemy can sever
If thou are always Lord and Master there:
Be Thou the center of our least endeavor--
Be Thou our Guest, our hearts and homes to share.

-Barbara B. Hart

Happy Anniversary, Steve!
And I am so honored to be your wife,
and my prayer is to have many more years with you~
so that we can hold our grandchildren and great grandchildren in our arms
and kiss their faces
with tears in our eyes
and know that we did all we could to give them the best start
in knowing our Savior
who saved us both from the grips of the enemy
and our darkest hour.
May we leave a legacy
that last for generations
impacts the world for His glory
and share eternal life with them
in the glorious heavens.

(You can read Steve's blog at The Male Domain)


Steve said...

Beautiful post, from a beautiful woman of God. June, the past eighteen years have been quite a journey, and I expect the next eighteen to be even better, should the Lord allow.

You're a marvelous wife, mother, and friend. I consider myself honored and blessed to be in covenant with you, and look to each day as a blessed gift from God with you in it!

I love you more than you know!

Happy Anniversary, my beloved. . .

-Steve Fuentes

Jaime @ Like a Bubbling Brook said...

What a priceless treasure and powerful testimony! Congratulations on 18 years!

Happy anniversary to you both ~


Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

What a beautiful post. And I love how your husband just rose up and called you blessed.

Happy Anniversary!

Abounding Treasures said...

Congratulations to both of you!!

7gmama said...

My husband and I share this date with you. We have been bless to be together for 36 years today. I love him more each day. The Lord blessed us with three sons and so far five grandsons and one granddaughter. Two of the grandsons are followers of Christ and the other children are be raised in the Lord. We are blessed.


Barbara said...

Happy Anniversary, June and Steve! You don't know me, I'm just a faithful reader of June's blog. Please keep up with the blogging. It's a breath of fresh air to me.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! To both of you!! God has truly blessed your marriage union, and I pray that you have many more happy and blessed years together, that you also may continue to encourage and admonish women in their high calling as wives and mothers!

Christa said...

Praise the Lord for the great work He is doing in your family and will do through your children and their families.
I'm thankful to Him for calling out and raising up families like yours for His glory.
Have a blessed day with your knight in shining armor.


TryonMom27 said...

Happy Anniversary to you both. My husband and I are celebrating 14 years today. May your day be very blessed and many years to follow. :)

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

'Each year we are married is a victory for God's Kingdom and a reminder of Satan's defeat'... Amen to this declaration! With your blessing I would like to write this statement in the card for a beautiful young couple from my church who are getting married this weekend. If only more Christian couples had this kind of resolve and viewed marriage in this way.
Congratulations to you both and thank you so much for sharing with us all that God has taught you about honouring Him in our marriages and families. And how wonderful that your husband has left you such a lovely comment.

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...


Thank you so much! You are a blessing to me as well!


Of course you may use this!

Many blessings...

Mary said...

Congratulations to you both! That is one of my favorite hymns and we sing it in church on Mother's Day and Father's Day.

My husband and I just celebrated our 40th anniversary. I was only 17 when we got married.

Deanna said...

CONGRATS to you both that you are celebrating 18 years of marriage!

God bless,
d from homehaven

Trixi said...

Beautiful post and beautiful legacy. In a day when marriage is being attacked it is so encouraging to read about good marriages. I too, just celebrated #20 and am so thankful to God.
Happy Anniversary!!!

tea time and roses said...

Happy Anniversary to the both of you! Such a beautiful post. My Honey and I recently celebrated 37 years of marriage, oh how I love him so.

Enjoy a beautiful week.



Bonnie said...

What a beautiful post, I so love to hear stories of Christian marriages, which are so different to the stories which are portrayed on secular television. May the Lord bless you with many more years!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. It's so refreshing to see true love in the midst of all the statistics of 50% divorces that are flying all over the place.

Anonymous said...

I know your post for this is several weeks older but I couldnt help but say YES to the bold words of this will be the generation to break the vicious cycle of divorce" my husband and I say the same thing as we come from broken families of divorce and although my husband is not saved it is still prayerful of me to keep praying over our marriage something which is not always easy but if we like you want to break the stronghold of division we or I must keep praying fervently.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for good information that comes out to



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