Sunday, June 20, 2010

Encouragement to Wives and Mothers

Motherhood is a gift from God.

 He has perfectly designed you to be a mother (spiritually/emotionally as well as physically). God has designed you in a general way for your role, but He has also in his sovereignty designed you in a particular way for your particular children. Embrace your role. Don’t see it only as an obligation to endure. Be creative. Enjoy it. God called you to be a wife and mother – a homemaker. A homemaker is not just a housewife. A homemaker creates a pleasant, clean, peaceful, relaxing, safe, accepting environment. 

A godly homemaker creates a home that honors the Lord and is overflowing with love. Practice your calling with the same passion that you would have if you were called to be an astronaut or a doctor. Your career choice was made when your child was born. You have been called to raise a child for God. If, for example, you have the education and training to be a banker, your primary career is still being a mother and your secondary career is being a banker. 

If you are a teacher, you are a teacher after being a wife and mother. If you are a nurse, you are a nurse after being a wife and mother. If you are a missionary, you are a missionary after being a wife and mother. Your primary career, according to the Scriptures, is your career as a wife and mother. Remember that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. 

There is no more important or significant task on planet earth than preparing the next generation to serve God. 

 * Mother and Homemaker: Proverbs 14:1, 26; 1 Timothy 5:14 (2:9-15); Titus 2:4-5 
 * Training the Next Generation: 2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14-15; Ephesians 6:4 (Acts 16:1) 
 * God’s sovereignty and design: Psalm 139:13-16 

~By Barbara and Fred Dye

 (Hat tip to Practical Housewifery)



Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

Very good post and very inspiring. Thank you!

Christa said...

Thank you for the words of encouragement.

In Christ,


Heidi said...

Agreed!! Thanks for the inspiring encouragement!


Ann at eightacresofeden said...

I remember the zeal I used to have when in training for the career I had chosen (occupational therapy) - the years of attending lectures, the many hours of reading and study and a full year of actual 'on the job' practice prior to qualification. Did I possess the same passion and devote the same amount of time to my preparation for marriage, homemaking and motherhood? I must admit I did not! God did convict me and turned my heart to home - all my training though was 'on the job'. I discovered Emilie Barnes early on and her books were a tremendous help, followed by 'Above Rubies' magazine. There are so many resources around today for Christian homemakers it can be overwhelming so I am thankful for blogs which combine Godly wisdom with practical advice, so thank you for the link to 'Practical Housewifery'. I have just had a quick browse through her articles - short, easy to read and so applicable to every day life. I think a blog like this could save young mothers a lot of time 'blog hopping', searching for the information and resources they require. I have also signed up for updates as I am still learning and in need of encouragement after 20 years of marriage and 7 children!

Lecia said...

Your blog is such an encouragement to families seeking to live the way God intended.

Ericksens and their half dozen said...

I am so thankful I found your site. I will visit often and be inspired. Just timely too. Thanks so much.

Grace said...

Thank you for this beautiful post! I am so encouraged by your blog and am always so excited when you write something new! I have a question for you about your pictures and would be very blessed if you could e-mail at when it is convenient for you!

Debbie T said...

Thank you for sharing this. I so needed to read it today - and to digest it and chew on it for several days. Your words have impacted my life so drastically, I can't even tell you how God has used you to help shape me and mold me as a mother. I was a career-minded woman for the first few years after my husband & I were blessed with our daughters - but God knew I needed to change my heart and attitude - that I needed to LET HIM change my heart and attitude. Your posts - the wisdom you share - drive straight to my heart, and pierce my soul with the truth.

Thank you. You are a spiritual mother to me - Titus 2 - and a spiritual giant in the fight for the family. May God bless you and keep you and grant you peace!

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful blog! I like to leave your blog up just to listen to the music. Canon in D is my favorite!

Mama - Made said...

I found your blog via The Pleasant Times and am thrilled to know there are other women who feel just as strongly as I do about my "career" as wife and mother. I'm in the minority among my family, friends, and acquaintances. I look forward to visiting your blog again soon. Thank you for the encouragement. God Bless!

Unknown said...

Thank you for unselfishly sharing the knowledge and wisdom God gave you through His Holy Word. This blog is blessing my heart every time i visit it. As i daily share the link to my non- christian friends & loved ones and to christian friends as well, they can't help but express their appreciation.

By the grace of God i believe you will continue to increase in knowledge and wisdom as you allow others to benefit from this blog. Godspeed!


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