Friday, July 2, 2010

Home is His Castle

*Home is His Castle*
The Godly wife sets the Atmosphere of the Home.

A wife is called upon to create the environment and right climate in which the tender plants of love and marriage can grow and flourish.

1. Think back through the past week:

 a. In the time shared with your husband before he left the house, what kind of atmosphere did you set for the day?

 b. When you greeted him upon returning home, what kind of atmosphere did you set for the remainder of the day or evening?

2. What principles for helping to set a good atmosphere in the home do you find in Ephesians 4:26-27, 29-32?

3. What do you think your own attitude and appearance have to do with setting the atmosphere?

4. What have you taught your children regarding how they can help set a good atmosphere when their daddy arrives home?

(Hat tip to Practical Housewifery)

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LowderLiving said...

Your reminders on how to serve our husbands are refreshing in such a self-absorbed world.

Angie Acapella said...

this was a great post....thank you for the reminder!

Denise said...

Thank you for sharing. I love your site. This is a wonderful reminder.

~Christina said...

I really like this post! :o) It is hard to be selfless for our husbands at times, especially when tired, sick, or just plain irritable.

My husband and I have a wonderful marriage, and have been married for almost three years now. I have had to work outside of our home 40 hours per week, and my husband works as well. Sometimes it is very hard for me to keep my cool and patience, and have a gracious loving attitude when all I'd like to do is be at home to take better care of our home and my husband.

Our plan is that in two years, when my husband finishes his schooling, I will finally be able to stay home and we can begin our family, since he will hopefully be in a stable career position at that point.

I don't mean to sound haughty or cross, because I'm not, and I really do love your blog! But I wanted to know if sometime you might be willing to write a little something for those of us who are still waiting until the time we too can stay at home? I have a few girlfriends and relatives who are in the same spot, and it can be so hard sometimes. If not, I completely understand, I just love the way you write and thought I'd throw it out there. Thank you, and God bless!

~An admiring reader :o)

Sigalit Chana said...

Thank you for challenging and reminding :D

Dianne said...

Can you give some practical examples of those same four points that you yourself employ on a consistent basis?

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Jeff.n.Tia,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I will definitely consider writing something. Thanks for the idea and visiting.

Dear Diane,

I would be happy to share with you, but please know that I am not an expert and will only share what I have learned over the years.

In the morning before my husband goes to work I try be pleasant, make a nice breakfast and lunch for him to take, have things ready for him if he needs it and smile and bless his day as he walks out the door.

I try to make the morning run smoothly by trying to put the house in order smoothly the night before. It is not always perfect but there is order.

I also try to talk about positive things--to help the day start right. The tongue is powerful and can bring life or death so I try to keep things positive so he will have a good start to his day.

When he comes home I try to have the home ready and cleaned/straightened, usually a hot meal is waiting and I try to look nice. Oftentimes, I will have a daughter make a dessert of his liking. Sometimes I will change into a nicer outfit, brush out my hair, apply makeup, etc. I also try to get some rest before dinner so I can refuel.

I also like to ask him how his day went (and actually listen to his answer) and we like to sit and talk in the bedroom without the children for about a 1/2 hour or so just to get caught up with eachother's day.

My children love to attack dad with big hugs and kisses and we make a big deal out of him coming home. Often they will stand in the window waiting for him and race eachother to see who will get to him first. I do try to clean them up and make sure they are wearing clean clothes when he arrives.

After he eats, we usually come together for family time in the living room. We share the days events, show dad our school work, do skits, practice sermons, do Bible time as a family--just to give you an idea of how we try to keep a happy environment.

Our husbands are out there fighting the battle for us in this dog-eat-dog world. We can make a refuge for him by not dumping our problems on him the minute he walks in the door. We can create an environment that is peaceful to help him recharge and be prepared for the next day.

Wives would be wise to learn how to communicate with their husbands without arguing. There are ways to do this, praying before we speak, choosing our words carefully, being thankful in heart.

If a disagreement does occur, we should be quick to make ammends. As the scripture posted states- "Do not let the sun go down on your anger, lest the devil get a foothold." So much of this is important to making our homes a place of peace and rest.

Hope that helps!

Many blessings...

Robin said...

Thanks so much for this post. It addresses something I have been just recently convicted of, myself! In fact, I recently wrote about the same subject on my blog, Music of the Heart, if anyone would like to read it!

Parisienne Farmgirl said...

Once again thank you for the reminder. I tell everyone about you and your husbands blogs.
I think you might find my 7/5 post pretty amusing.

Simple Fancies said...

Wow... Did I ever fail today! I sslept in and awoke to my Knight already gone. No kiss... no made breakfast... no packed lunch. Not only did I rob him of his blessing oday, but I robbed myself too.

Thanks for the Holy Spirit led conviction. Right now... I have to call him and apologize, drive a lunch to him, and make sure he knows how apreciated and valued he is when he comes home tonight.

Praise God that tomorrow is a new day!


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