Thursday, June 3, 2010

Daughters As Pillars

"May our daughters be like graceful pillars, carved to beautify a palace.--Psalm 144:12

Graceful and beautiful pillars are indeed being raised today. I have seen them with my own eyes. They stand out from the crowd. They are being raised for kingdom purposes. Theirs is a strong and sacred foundation--the holy scriptures. 

This is where they are learning the character of the Proverbs 31 women and the mandates of Titus 2:4-6: 
 1. Learning to love their future husbands 
2. Learning to love their future children 
3. To be self-controlled 
4. To be pure 
5. To be keepers at home 
6. To be kind 
7. Learning to be subject to their future husbands so the word of God will not be maligned.

 This new generation of daughters are being raised to fear the Lord. They are taught to be feminine women of nobility, courage, diligence, loyalty and submission. They esteem purity and modesty. They strive to be honorable. 

They are daughters who have vision and remarkable influence as they help to advance the kingdom of God. These daughters have given their hearts to their parents and desire to help and bless them and their families. They learn the value of a meek and quiet spirit as they firmly defend and teach the Word to all who are willing to listen. They know their true purpose because they are serving the Lord wholeheartedly. They embrace how they were designed to be help-meets and seek to be industrious to help their fathers and future husbands. 

Many are highly educated and well-equipped to teach the next generation about the Lord and prepare for Him an army of warriors. Godly daughters follow in the spirit of Psalm 144:12 and Titus 2. They are pillars and cornerstones, which is another word often used in this verse, help to support and vital in maintaining a buildings structure. Much in the same way daughters become just as invaluable to a home as they grow and help it to run successfully. Godly daughter's embrace their father's vision and take it up as their own. 

Virtuous daughters being brought up to be godly women are invaluably priceless in the eye's of the Lord (Prov 31:10) and they impact society and culture with a powerful rippling effect. So, dear Christian Mothers, know that that little daughter sitting next to you is cherished in the Lord's eyes. The babes she will raise will be the next generation which will serve Him. 

She will be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with her husband taking dominion and quite possibly be at the helm with him, leading the future church, mentoring men and women alike as they take their place in reforming culture. She will be making strong the fabric of society by taking her place in the home and in her family- making it an example for others to learn from and to bring God glory. 

Be careful to guide her and protect her. Be careful to teach her all that you know and much, much more. Love her with the love that comes from the Heavenly Father and be found trustworthy of discipling her well. 


Anonymous said...

"They know their true purpose because they are serving the Lord wholeheartedly." Yes, this is the stuff that prayers are made of.

Barbara said...

June, your blog is like a breath of fresh air, pure, sweet and a balm to my spirit. Keep up the good work. God uses you to bless me and others.

Grateful Mommie said...

would you please clarify'These daughters have given their hearts to their parents ' and
'She will be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with her husband taking dominion and quite possibly be at the helm with him, leading the future church, mentoring men and women alike as they take their place in reforming culture'
As a newcomer to this way of thinking, having been raised the complete opposite, I just want to make sure all is sound doctrine. I so desire to raise my daughters as Maidens of virtue to the glory of God!
I want to be living in proper order in our family as God designed it. Thank you so much for anyone who is more mature in this way of thinking which is so opposite our culture driven walks with God.

Anonymous said...

Hi, June, my name is Awel Prince. My mom reads your blog so much (as does my Aunt). But I was wondering if you were interested in purchasing a blog makeover from me. I didn't know if you'd be interested or not, but if you are you can go here:

In Christ,
Awel Prince

p.s. I completely understand if you don't want to, but I thought I might offer my services. :)

Nhmommaof5 said...

Thank you for sharing this! Putting into words what has been in my heart. To raise my daughters, and sons, to please and honor the Lord. To follow His directions set forth for us in His word. I pray daily I'm doing well in His eyes.


June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear Grateful Mommie,

I'd be happy to explain:

1. 'Given their hearts to their parents' means that they are not in rebellion to their parents like we see so often today but instead they have turned their hearts to them and likewise the parents as we see in stated in Scripture in Malachi 4:6.

2.'She will be standing should-to-shoulder...' is explaining how the wife is a helpmeet (Titus 2:4-5) to the husband and often times have great and significant roles they play in the local church and in advancing the kingdom here on earth. They are pastors wives, counselors wives, deacons wives and the everyday wives who impact culture by being whom they were called to be in Christ. They reform culture by their presence because they are not walking as the world in darkness but instead being an example of Christ and His love and light to the world.

Hope that helps!

Many blessings...


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