Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ready for Battle (Training up Warriors Pt.2)

Most recently I was challenged by an email devotional sent out by Nancy Campbell founder of the magazine, Above Rubies.

Here is an excerpt:

<<<<<<'Revelation 12:11 tells us how to overcome, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."

The children of Israel did not straggle out of Egypt in whatever manner they felt like. No. The "left Egypt in war-like array." (Exodus 13:18) The margin of my Bible says that they marched out five in a rank. They were ready for battle. They were an army.

You are also part of an army. As such you will continually face battle. When you realize this, you can put on your armor, rise up and fight in the power of God. Don't waste your time feeling sorry for yourself any longer.

Not only do you have to learn to fight, but you must teach your children to fight. You must teach them how to fight against the enemy, how to fight against the temptations of the flesh to moods and to evil. This is our responsibility. Our children dare not go out to face this world without being expert in fighting the enemy.

Judges 3:1-2 tells us, "The Lord left certain nations in the land to test those Israelites who had not participated in the wars of Canaan. He did this to teach warware to generations of Israelites who had no experience in battle." Each new generation had to be trained in the art of war.

They did not train them half-heartedly. They trained skillful warriors (1 Chronicles 5:18), valiant warriors (1 Chronicles 7:2, 11) and they trained them to be expert in war (1 Chronicles 12:24). Hebrews 11:34 tells us of those who 'waxed valiant in fight.'>>>>>>>>

Now how exciting is that??? For myself, this email encouragment spoke volumes to me of exactly what one of my main pursuits in life should be, what I should lay down my life for, and about the King who would help me to raise up these mighty warriors for Him-----for He is the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of heaven!!!! Yes indeed, that is who He is!

Notice 'they did not train them half-heartedly', instead they were skillful--
clever, accomplished, proficient, practiced, versed as opposed to untrained, inept, clumsy, bungling, or awkward.

There were valiant---bold, brave, courageous, chilvarous, heroic, brave as opposed to weak, cowardly or timid.

They were experts in war. Someone had taken the time to train them. Someone invested their time in them knowing one day they would fight for the Kingdom. Someone who loved them but yet loved their Lord even more...

How will we raise our children today, dear mothers? Will we throw up our hands in resignation due to frustration and weariness or will we 'fight the good fight of faith' (1 Timothy 6:12) and 'war a good warfare' (1 Timothy 1:18)?

Will we raise sons who can fight or will we raise sons who are lazy and want to be entertained? Can we raise up defenders of the faith that are mighty in spirit or boys that are mockers and follow their own sinful desires and are governed by their own lack of self control? This is food for thought, for how we parent today molds generations tomorrow.

My prayer is that our standard will stop being substandard. That we would stop comparing our parenting to how the world parents and all the lies that come with it. That we will rise to the challenge of raising godly men and women who are of use to our Lord, and not ill-equipped. That we will have no regrets while we are on our death beds, and that we know we have done all that we could.

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