Friday, May 1, 2009

A Time for Work and A Time for Play

Today I am taking the day to spend time with the children. 

Although a mom can be a home 24 hours a day with her children that doesn't mean she is actively entering their world. 

So many things can vie for her attention that by the time she actually sits down she can be too exhausted for any merriment. 

So today, I am purposefully planning a big block of time to spend with each child. This is so important in keeping their hearts. It is also important when shepherding them. 

We are not just managers of our children, merely keeping them clean and feeding them. We are Nurturers, and these children will become adults one day. Memories of their childhood are imprinted upon them forever and precious childhood will be over in a blink of an eye.

 Mother, what is that thing you have been longing to do with your children?

 Don't delay! 

They will remember the precious time you sacrifice to love them. 

 So today I will: 

 1. Read to the twins and frolic with them. 

 2. Play dinosaurs with my little 4 year old son. 

 3. Enter the enchanting world of dolls and dollhouses with my 6 year old daughter who loves to squeal and giggle. 

 4. Engage my older sons in pretend sword fights and 'man-to-mom' talks. 

 5. Take my second daughter out to a fabric store to look at crafty things and planning projects and plan a tea date (this is her love language) 

 6. Spend time with the teenager---helping her with some things she has been asking me to do on the computer. 

And LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN to her, because she has a lot on her heart as all teenage girls do and maybe later play a board game together.

They will not stay children forever. 

One day that small boy they will grow older and walk out that threshold of your home and return a man.

 You cannot reclaim those days. 

Do not have any regrets and do what your heart has been nudging you to do with that child. 

Choose to ignore your 'to-do' list today. 

 Time is running out. Mothers--DON'T delay!


Laryssa Herbert said...

Thank you so much for this timely reminder. I needed this encouragement today. :-)

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

I, myself, have been dealing with this issue. My resolution is to unplugg every evening when they are home. I don't want to miss out on any precious moments. They grow up so fast.

Sarah Mae said...

Wonderful article! I am linking to it today!

Leah said...

This is wonderful! There always seems to be 'something' else to do but as you say, time with our children is SO've inspired me; tomorrow I'm going to play trains with my son, dolls house with my daugher and blocks with my baby :)

Anonymous said...

Yaaaaaay! Great inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this great reminder!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful encouragement and advice.

Just yesterday something happened that made me look back on my childhood. I was almost brought to tears when I realized that I never heard a word of unconditional love and praise from my stepfather.

You know what I did today? I looked at my two daughters and hugged and kissed them, just for being who they are. Not because they drew a beautiful picture, not because they did their lessons well, but because they are my little miracles for which I thank God.

You're right, if we're not careful, we will run out of time for the most important things.

BethB said...

These children are truly blessed to have you as their mother!! They will NEVER forget the times you have carved out time for just the 2 of you!!! XO!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty, romantic, and feminine blog. Although I don't seem to share all of your views, I appreciate your good intentions to create a peaceful and secure home for your family. I'm just glad we live in a free country where everyone is not all the same and we have the freedom to live our lives the way we choose. DW

Joyeful said...

Oh this is so absolutely and perfectly true! We are home every day with our children but connecting with them and embracing their hearts is the "extra" that goes a long way!

Thank you!

Annita said...

I have been struggling with this lately, so many things always seem to need my attention and my 3 year old doesn't always get the best of me. Great post!

Rhonda Devine said...

A great post, June and a good reminder;)

Anonymous said...

Such good advice. Whether we invite them into our world, sharing the activities we enjoy with our children, or following their lead & allowing them to set the pace, we will reap the rewards of this time spent!! It is not wasted!


Unknown said...

This is so inspirational to all children are grown with children of their own. Listening to your children is one of the most important qualities of a mom...too many children are left to their own devices. So very sad!
Blessings! now I am going to link this to my blog...God is working thru you!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this reminder. I truly needed the encouragement today!
a Mom in SC


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