Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blog Button

This past week I worked on creating a blog button:

A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

If you have been encouraged here, put this blog button on your sidebar so others can find this blog and be encouraged too. Here is the code:

Just copy and paste this code into your side bar. When others click on this it will link directly to this blog. This is also on my sidebar in case you'd like to see how it looks. There is also another widget on my sidebar above this one that shows the updated posts in case you'd like that instead, it is pretty and shows the picture and text of the latest post and updates automatically. If you need any help installing these really simple buttons do feel free to ask!

You can also find this blog on Facebook, click here.


Muthering Heights said...

What a beautiful button! I'm putting it up right now...

Thomas and Jamie said...

WOW - the Lord is SO good! We are doing a Bible Study right now in our church based on Proverbs 14:1 and just went to a Ladies retreat again this weekend where the same message was taught by a lovely woman! I just typed in a wise woman builds her home...and your blog popped up first! I was looking for the exact scripture reference! I'll be sure to bookmark your blog and continue to read it as I build my home!

Thank you God for this reminder once again!!

Muthering Heights said...

Hi there, me again! I fixed the code on my sidebar. :) It looks much better! :)

Nicole said...

I'm so happy I stumbled upon your writings. I would very much appreciate it if I could email you a question.

nicole0110 at roadrunner dot com

BethB said...

Thank you so much for creating your blog! I'm going through clinical depression (very low) right now---and the photos on your blog are absolutely the most beautiful I've ever seen. I check it first thing in the morning and it brightens my day---I like to just languish here a bit. Everything you've done here is just what I'D do, if I knew how!!! (I'm a classically trained pianist). You are truly MY angel....and a gift from God! Thanks again for the gorgeous photography, paintings & words! Bless you!

Birgit said...

I've been very encouraged many times, through your blog though I don't know that I've ever commented to let you know. Thank you for the button. I am adding it to my blog as well.

Please continue to uplift your readers.
Blessings to you~ Birgit

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this blog button. I added it to mine. And, thank you for good wisdom and encouragement in our wife and mother roles. Vision is important. Thank you for imparting it so well!

LaSandra said...

Very nice button! I've been wanting to make my own. How did you do it?

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

Dear L.H.,

I learned how at a few different sites, here is one I recommend:


Just copy and paste this into your browser.

Hope this helps!

Many blessings...

Hannah Fancher said...

I just wanted you to know that I added your button to my site!


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