Friday, May 29, 2009

The Divine Appointment

The past decade for me seems like a flurry of babies and diapers. What a privilege!---To be entrusted with all these little ones that God had especially chosen to give me still amazes me now especially as I look back and my babies are older (my once infant twins are embarking upon being three years old next weekend and an older daughter turning 17 this year!). 

Where has the time gone? But I still remember those nights. Those nights when you felt like you worked hard all day and finally you get to rest and just as you feel like your head just hit the pillow--- there came the cry. At first my fleshly response would be "Oh no, how will I ever get any sleep?" but then I learned that this was not just any nightly call from a hungry baby but instead it was... 

 A Divine Appointment! 

 Yes, a divine appointment. Instead of sitting there wallowing in self-pity at 2 am, I realized that God had planned for me to be up. Yes, it was HIS plan. Now what to do while I was breastfeeding little hungry babies through the night? Something very IMPORTANT---something that I couldn't focus on through the day because I was too busy caring for His little ones. Can you guess? It was... PRAYER!!! Not just any prayer, mind you. More like 'warrior' praying, if you will! And I want you to do this too. Don't be mad that you are awake, don't resent your husband and most of all don't waste this precious time. You were awoken by divine appointment by God above for this given moment. Don't let it slip by. Pray for that little child of yours you are holding in your arms. Here is how to pray---why not start praying for that sweet, warm little bundle in your arms by starting at the top of their little heads and working right down their body. 

 Here is an example: 

 MIND--that God would protect their minds, that they would be one-minded towards God, that they would always be sold out for Him, that God would be first on their minds, etc. 

 EYES--that they would be kept from evil, that they would have understanding and the eyes of Christ as they learned Scripture and met people, etc. 

 EARS--that they would hear Gods Word and accept it and hide it in their heart, keep it from evil 

MOUTH--that would speak the words of God and share with the lost, keep it from evil 

 HEART-- to be strong and courageous for God, protected with the breastplate of righteousness 

 HANDS--that would feed the poor, help the needy, build the church of God 

 BODY--a healthy body that would follow the Lord all their life and use it for His glory 

 FEET-- that they would bring peace, that wherever they walked they would bring the gospel and share it, they would run from evil God will bring things to mind to pray specifically for your child so don't be limited to the above, these are just some ideas to help you begin with and don't forget to pray for their spouses and their futures. 

Do this with all your children, not just in the middle of the night but ALL THE TIME, even if they are older and if you are already a grandmother. Don't say you don't have time--talk to Him whenever you can! Whether it be driving or washing dishes, know that He wants to hear from you. 

 Through the day I have established my shower time as a special time in the morning to really just spend a good length of time in private talking to Him about the day and my thoughts.What a blessing it is to come into the presence of God and petition Him on behalf of our homes and children. While you pray, don't forget your other children, you husband, your home, yourself, your parents, neighbors, etc. 

 Next time, I hope you will be looking forward to your quiet and alone 'divine appointment' with a 'listening' God who loves you, your husband and your children so much more than you'll ever know. Have a great week building up your sacred homes!


Laura said...

What an awesome post. I love the prayer. I'm always wondering what I should pray for , for my kids. This is very specific. Great stuff!
Take care and have a lovely weekend with your family!

Erin said...

What great ideas! I've also learned to use the middle of the night wakings for prayer time, but I had never thought of the head-to-toe idea! I love it! Thank you :-)

Julianne said...

You are truly a blessing in my life!! Everything you write speaks to my heart, you write about things I'm going through at this very moment, and it's always so encouraging! The Lord is truly using your blog for his honour and glory!
Julianne :)

Unknown said...

YES!!! Wonderfully put..I love your blog...a delight to come to!!

Katherine said...

Thank you so much for your encouragement regarding nursing in the night, and the "Divine Appointment". It is so hard to get up in the night! I love my sleep! I am chasing around a toddler all day and nursing a 7 month old who still does not sleep through the night! I will try praying for him whenever I get up! Thank you!

Kristi said...

This post is divine! Thanks for all the Godly advise and scripture that you share!

Mama to 12, so far said...

Thank you so much for this post! I agree. Pray at that Devine appointment.

Mrs. White said...

What a precious post. Your site is just lovely and inspiring.
Mrs. White

Ace said...


Many Blessings :)

Hannah Fancher said...

Those are really good things to pray for and I'm so glad you posted them for me to see.

I try always to specifically pray that they will grow in wisdom. And I pray for their future spouse.

Joyeful said...

This is such a wonderful post! And right on time for me, too, as these "divine appointments" still happen regularly! : ) I love the "warrior" prayers you listed! I agree wholeheartedly that nothing is more important than the prayers we cover our children with!

June Fuentes @ A Wise Woman Builds Her Home said...

I am so thankful to all you ladies who take the time to post! You encourage me just as much as you think I encourage you...really, in the end it is just the Lord and His wonderful blessings He showers on us daily!

Many blessings...

Steve said...

"resent your husband" -- I never knew! J/K :-)

You've been a great Mom and have never missed an appointment!

Thanks for letting me sleep through the night so I could go to work refreshed. Besides, the babies always found you much more warm and cuddly. I liked using them as pillows which they didn't seem to like!

-Mr. Fuentes

Julie said...

When my youngest was an infant we were having a very specific financial concern. Every time I would sit down with him to nurse I would pray about it. Crying and praying. That was 2 1/2 years ago. This week I found out that our prayer was answered in a way I never could have imagined and in a way it never should have happened. The ONLY answer is our Faithful, Loving God!

Great post and dead on!!!

Mrs. P. said...

The fact that wifehood and motherhood is a "divine appointment" is something that I am constantly having to remind myself as I am preparing to leave the full-time workforce and prepare for the birth of my child. This post was a real blessing to read and was a wonderful reminder of what God wants His daughters to do as wives and mothers.

Anonymous said...

I loved this so much I had to link and repost it on my blog... I hope that one day when I have little ones that I can do this also.

Heather@Women in the Scriptures said...

What a beautiful idea. Thank you for this post-- I read it after an especially long day with a toddler- and it was just what I needed. I've also noticed that praying for my little boy when he is fussy or uncontrolable seems to help-- well, at least it helps me not get so frustrated and remember who he is and what is most important. Thanks!

Leah said...

Oh June this is beautiful, and I love your hubby's response too! My husband really appreciates me getting on with the night wakings and leaving him refreshed to work hard for us the next day! So many people resent having to feed in the night and try to rush the season by; I find it a precious time and love being alone with my heavenly Father and his blessings :)

Rhonda Devine said...

A wonderful post, June! I remember those late night feedings and the blessing of those quiet prayer times.

Mindy said...

Thank you for this beautiful post. I am expecting my 4th blessing in a few months and I was recently thinking on those late nights to come and how I could make them more precious and less worldly. This is perfect.


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